
From the conversation of V. Kvirkvelia and comrade S. Ordzhonikidze

14/03/2020 - 11:37

An order to the troops of the 10th Red Terek Army on May 7, 1920. Vladikavkaz, a map of 10 versts ... Are Kirov and Ordzhonikidze at the device or not. Here, Comrade Kvirkvelia, the order is transmitted to the Caucasian front. How to be, give an order ahead or Comrade Ordzhonikidze will listen to me.

Extract from the protocol of the South Ossetian District Committee of the RCP (b). Vladikavkaz

12/03/2020 - 13:45

1. LISTENED: On the formation of the detachments from emigrant communists of South Ossetia.

RESOLVED: Of the communists of South Ossetia who emigrated to the Soviet Terek region, form the Red Army units on a common basis.

2. LISTENED: On the unification of organizations of South and North Ossetia.

RESOLVED: Due to natural technical obstacles, the unification of the organizations of South and North Ossetia is considered impossible for this moment, and in the future, it is desirable for cultural and economic reasons.

Telegram V.I. Lenin for help to the highlanders

11/03/2020 - 17:00

At the request of Comrade Ordzhonikidze to provide assistance to the mountaineers who suffered from the White Guard gangs, the following response was received from the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, Lenin: "Announce the mountaineers that at the next meeting of the Council of People's Commissars, financial assistance will be given to the affected mountaineers, but for now they will be allowed to issue them for future appropriations 200 million.

Chairman of the Soviet People`s Commissar- Lenin

The newspaper "Communist" April 25, 1920, No. 15

Gratitude of the Rachi district bureau of the Communist Party (b) of Georgia to the head of the 1st Digor detachment, Takoev Dzandor, for participating in the liberation of Rachi

10/03/2020 - 20:44

The bureau of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks), given the heroism of the fighters of the unit entrusted to you and the valiant commanders leading them, who exerted maximum energy and strength for the speedy fulfillment of their tasks in order to free the native revolutionary of Digoria and the workers and peasants of Georgia, in particular, the neighbors of the residents of Rachi who accepted their liberators with open arms, seeing in them the disciplined, impeccable defenders of the revolutionary order, he asks to convey to the fighters entrusted to you the detachment deep gratitude and he

Report of the police chief of the Rock post in the Mountain-Ossetian district Chabiev

05/03/2020 - 11:45

The report of the police chief of the Rock post of the Mountain-Ossetian district Chabiev Mate to the Gori district commissar regarding the Bolsheviks' armed uprising in the village of Ruck under the leadership of A. Dzhatiev.

In addition to my report of October 30, of this year for. No. 109 and in response to your telephone message of November 1 of this year for No. 3383 I inform you about the armed uprising of the Bolsheviks in the villages of Rocka against the authorities in the district:
