Archive - 19/6/2023

Mon, 19/06/2023 - 17:20

People of South Ossetia, together with the Pridnestrovian brothers, pay tribute to the victims of the Bendery tragedy - Foreign Minister

On Monday, Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Akhsar Dzhioev sent a note to his Pridnestrovian counterpart Vitaly Ignatiev with words of sympathy and support in connection with the 31st anniversary of the Bendery tragedy, the press service of the Foreign Ministry reports.

“The tragic events that unfolded on June 19, 1992 in the city of Bendery are forever inscribed in the history of Pridnestrovye as an act of war crime that claimed hundreds of human lives and crippled thousands of destinies.

Mon, 19/06/2023 - 16:27

Speaker met with the delegation of Abkhazia in the Parliament of South Ossetia

Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Alan Alborov received Deputy of the Parliament of Abkhazia, Chairman of the "Remember" Charitable Foundation Leonid Lakerbaya and Deputy Chairman of the "Remember" Charitable Foundation Lyalya Chamagua, the press service of the legislative body reports.

The meeting was attended by Vice-Speaker of the South Ossetian legislative body Alexander Pliev and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on National Policy, Culture, Religion and Media Amiran Dyakonov.