Tarzan Kokoity: «The threat of military aggression against South Ossetia is still exist»

Fri, 23/05/2008 - 15:49

As it was supposed on the preliminary results of Parliamentary elections in Georgia the ruling party «United national movement» emerged the victor. IA «Res» correspondent turned to the deputy of the RSO Parliament Chairman Tarzan Kokoity for the commentary. «Despite the passed Parliamentary elections are the internal case of Georgia it would be wrong to consider their results do not impact on Georgian-Ossetian relations. The victory of the ruling party is the evidence of the possibility of military aggression against South Ossetia. The blockade of the Ossetian villages and the provocative actions in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone will be continued. Enlisted by the univocal support of the renewed Parliament the Georgian Government will follow the course of enhancing of military potential aimed first of all at conflict resolving. Under the existing circumstances the people and the Government of the Republic need to undertake all the measures to accelerate the process of recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia independence»-said Kokoity.
Regarding the question of possible falsification of the Parliamentary elections results in Georgia he has emphasized that «the best comment for the situation is made by the representatives of Georgian opposition accusing the Government headed by Mikhail Saakashvili of total falsification».

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