Border Guards Provide Social Welfare Structures of South Ossetia with Humanitarian Aid

Fri, 03/09/2010 - 14:59

Representatives of the Russian FSB Border Guard Department in South Ossetia provided social welfare structures of South Ossetia with humanitarian aid. The actions was organized within the frames of the Interagency Humanitarian Action (IHA) "Mutual Assistance. Cooperation. Security." As the Deputy Chief of Russia's FSB BG in South Ossetia Vladimir Rubtsov told IA RES, the humanitarian aid has arrived from Russia upon the decision of the RF President Dmitry Medvedev.

"Now we are distributing the humanitarian aid among social welfare institutions in South Ossetia to provide them with practical assistance. I am very pleased that this support will bring some benefit to children and the elderly ", said Rubtsov.
The humanitarian aid was provided to the rehabilitation center "Nadezhda" (hope), Tskhinval orphanage, Tskhinval elderly home, kindergartens, etc. As Deputy Director of the Center "Nadezhda" Valentina Tolkacheva told IA RES, it happened to be the first targeted assistance received by the Centre after the war in August 2008.
"For us, today's event was a pleasant surprise when we received the humanitarian aid. We badly need it. It will certainly have a positive impact on our work. Our inmates, who happened to come here, are in extremely difficult situation, and they see that there are people who do care for them. This might help them in overcoming various challenges and adversities, "- noted Tolkacheva.
In his turn, the Director of Tskhinval orphanage Roland Tedeev on behalf of the orphanage children expressed appreciation and gratitude to staff border guards for their assistance.
"We received food, household items that will help us tremendously in our daily life. Popular wisdom says: where there are happy children – there are happy people. We are grateful to all who helped us in make our children a little happier. ", concluded the director of the orphanage.
Similar actions will take place in rural district of South Ossetia.

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