Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia

Mon, 20/09/2010 - 15:00

in connection with the twentieth anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia

A significant date in the history of the Ossetian people is celebrated on 20 September, 2010; twenty years have passed since the establishment of the Republic of South Ossetia.
Twenty years ago the people of South Ossetia faced with the Georgian nationalism found themselves in a critical situation. Based on the principles of international law and the applicable law, exercised its right to self-determination and made the crucial decision to reorganize the Autonomous Oblast into the South Ossetian Democratic Republic within the USSR, which was later renamed in the Republic of South Ossetia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, all necessary procedures for the legal establishment of an independent state of the Republic of South Ossetia were carried out. As the subsequent events proved, this step was the only right that made it possible to save the people of South Ossetia.

Despite the enormous difficulties and hardships suffered by residents of South Ossetia because of permanent Georgian aggression, the people survived. There is no doubt that over time the young country has gone through a long way and achieved much success in all spheres of life.
The people of South Ossetia is deeply grateful to the Russian Federation for the invaluable help in rebuffing the Georgian aggression in August 2008 and the recovery from of socio-economic consequences of war, for building up friendly partner relations with the Republic of South Ossetia. South Ossetia's independence was recognized by the Russian Federation 26 August 2008, and after that, by other countries, the number of which continues to grow.
Today, the Republic of South Ossetia is an internationally recognized state, the foreign policy of which is aimed at the benefit of its people, peace and security, based on the principles of international law and mutual respect between peoples and nations.

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