37 foreign countries took part in the international campaign “Reading Costa”

Mon, 21/10/2019 - 23:36

The international campaign “Reading Costa”, which started at the beginning of this year and dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the poet, writer and artist Kosta Khetagurov, has been completed

Over 120 people, including residents of 37 foreign countries and 79 cities of Russia, read the testament "Testament", translated into 105 languages ​​of the world. Among the readers are President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, the famous theater actor Atsamaz Kochiev, the Estonian national poet Vladimir Illyashevich, the national poet of Buryatia Nikolai Shabaev and other outstanding people.

“When the book was published, I turned to the translator Nikolai Shabaev with a request to translate the poem into Buryat. He sent a video, where he read the “Testament», in his own language. It led me to collect all the videos, so we announced such an action. We collected more than 120 In addition, I met a video on the open spaces of the network where Bibo Vataev read the “Testament”, which was also included into the action: I thought that it could become a kind of decoration.

I did not expect such a resonance, a lot of videos were sent not only from neighboring countries, but also from France, Spain and so on. Even now, people are writing, regretting that they didn’t have time to take part in the action,” Irina Biboeva, project manager, deputy director of the National Scientific Library of Vladikavkaz, told the 15th Region.

Ossetia in 2019 is marking the 160th anniversary of the birth of the great poet Kost Khetagurov.

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