сб, 10/06/2006 - 14:26

On illegal penetration of the Georgian Special Forces to the territory of South Ossetia,
firing of the RSO Ministry of Interior GAI check point, the passing by vehicles and houses of the residents of South Ossetia,
their capture and infliction of different bodily harm
09.06.2006 in village Avnevi of Znauri region of the Republic of South Ossetia.
On 09.06.2006 at 4:40 p.m. about 40 soldiers of the special forces of Georgia on 4 vehicles, armed with automatic and special weapons entered village Avnev, Znauri region of the RSO. One group dispersed along the road and the adjoining gardens, the second group dispersed at the junction of roads to Tskhinval, Avnev, Znaur. The group was stopping the passing by vehicles and beating the passengers. They stopped the employees of the GAI of the Ministry of Interior of RSO Sergeant of Militia Kokoev Arsen Borisovich and Sergeant of Militia Siukaev Mair Givievich, they were brutally beaten up for being of Ossetian ethnicity.
Around 4:45 p.m. without any warning the Georgian Special Forces opened fire at a passing by vehicle “Niva” Vaz2121. The driver of the vehicle Gotsiev Yanik and passenger Bazzaev Alan (both residents of village Khetagurovo of Tskhinvali region of RSO) tried to escape. Gotsiev managed to do that but Bazzaev, being injured, was captured by the criminals, he was dragged for 50 meters along the road being beaten at the same time, was put in one of the vehicles and taken in the direction of village Nikozi of Gori region of Georgia. At the same time Georgian Special Forces opened fire in the direction of Ossetian houses and the GAI check point of the Ministry of Interior of RSO. A big number of shells and bullets of special weapon “Vintorez” was found on the spot. The village department of militia was not aware neither about the operation nor about the executors. The scene of the action was visited by high officials of the Ministry of Interior of RSO and the Commander of the Joint Peace Keeping Forces.

Again the Georgian side applied punitive measures, capturing citizens of South Ossetia and assaulting them because of their ethnicity. The Georgian Special Forces violated the agreements and passed by the peace keeping point without any sanctions. The provocation was done purposely in village Avnev where traditionally are living both Georgians and Ossetians in good-neighborly relations.
The investigation, the eye-witnesses and the victims confirmed that the “Niva” vehicle was fired at without any warning in order to annihilate the passengers without knowing them.
The pure provocative nature of the sally undertaken by the Georgian side is proved by the fact that next to the fired vehicle the Georgian side put a pair of soldier boots and an automatic gun, this was filmed before the arrival of the officials ( although the driver of the vehicle and the passenger were wearing sport costumes and summer slippers) after that the assaulters retreated hastily.
The specified fact proves again that the Georgian side, despite the peaceable declarations and agreements, continues to stake on forceful conflict resolution.

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