Irina Gagloeva: «For the Georgian side the main thing was to demostrate its authority and neglect to the peacemakers, as well as to the journalists»

чт, 12/07/2007 - 17:49

«The detention of the Russian journalists by the Georgian policemen was illegal. However, for the Georgian side the main thing was to demonstrate its authority and neglect to the peacemakers, as well as to the journalists, that try to present the objective picture of the events », so Irina Gagloeva, the chairman of the state committee on information and press of RSO, has commented on the detention of the Russian journalists.
«The detention of the journalists is part of that informational aggression that Georgia conducts against South Ossetia, considering, that only it has the monopoly on information from the zone of the Georgian aggression that is from South Ossetia. The Georgian policemen have not calculated everything on their stupidity, have not considered, that they have detained the journalists, on whose protection the corporation would stand, that actually has happened», Irina Gagloeva has emphasized.

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