The South-Ossetian part of JCC: «We are ready to discuss the question on holding a session»

пн, 06/08/2007 - 09:52

The co-chairman of the South-Ossetian part of JCC Boris Chochiev has directed letters to the co-chairman of JCC from the Russian side J.Popov, to the co-chairman of JCC from the georgian side D.Bakradze, to the co-chairman of JCC from the North-Ossetian side M.Tkhostov, to the head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia R.Riv, to the chief negotiator of the Euro commission in Georgia and Armenia P.Eklund, to the Commander of JPKF the general-major M.Kulakhmetov. The copy of the letter has been addressed to the operating Chairman of OSCE M.A.Martinos.
In the letter in particular it is spoken:
«The South-Ossetian party was and remains the supporter of continuation of a negotiating process within the limits of the existing format of JCC, about what it was repeatedly declared. We were ready to take part in a plenary session of JCC in Tbilisi, however, considering the absence of guarantees of safety, we have suggested to hold it in the embassy of the Russian Federation under the personal guarantee of safety of the ambassador of Russia for the members of the south-ossetian delegation. The Georgian party, in turn, has suggested holding a session of JCC at the office of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia. Our party would agree with this offer if OSCE has acted as the guarantor of safety of the members of the south-ossetian delegation.
On July, 31st 2007 the South-Ossetian part of JCC has received a letter from the Head of Mission of OSCE in Georgia about his readiness to give the office of the Mission on holding a plenary session of JCC on August, 9th-10th, 2007.
The South-Ossetian part of JCC highly appreciates the demonstration of good will and interest in continuation of the negotiating process on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict.
At the same time, we are regretfully forced to ascertain, that the letter contains a promise on providing transport services to the south-ossetian delegation, but there are no guarantees of safety for the members of the delegation of the South-Ossetian part of JCC from the Mission of OSCE in Georgia, that does not allow us to get use of the offer of the Mission.
Considering the threats of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia to destroy physically a number of officials of South Ossetia, among which is the management of the South-Ossetian part of JCC, terrorist acts against some of the representatives of the management of RSO and the peace-making forces that entailed human victims, and also the prevented on one of these days terrorist acts by the competent bodies of South Ossetia against the peace inhabitants and the representatives of the management of South Ossetia, that were planned by the special services of Georgia, and also the absence of international guarantees of safety for the members of the south-ossetian delegation in Tbilisi, the South-Ossetian part of JCC considers impossible the participation in a plenary session of JCC in Tbilisi.
At the same time, we once again confirm the adherence to the principles of peace settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict, the continuation of the negotiating process within the limits of the internationally recognized format of JCC.
I ask my colleagues on the negotiating process to concern with understanding the above-mentioned circumstances and the readiness of the south-ossetian party to discuss the question on holding a plenary session of JCC in any other place except for Georgia».

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