The Congress has accepted a resolution «About the refugees and the state of the ossetians in Georgia»

пн, 24/09/2007 - 17:03

The VIth congress of the ossetian people has accepted a resolution «About the refugees and the position of the ossetians in Georgia», in which it calls the management of Georgia to recognize the responsibility of the georgian state for the ethnic cleanings concerning the ossetians and calls the georgian authorities to stop all the persecutions, prosecutions and discrimination of the ossetians in Georgia.
In the resolution in particular it is marked, that « … noting the unwillingness of the authorities of Georgia to create real preconditions and mechanisms of returning the ossetian refugees in the places of their former residing, the full restoration of their property, civil and political rights, pointing out the non-fulfillment by Georgia of the accepted obligations on observance of the rights of national minorities on entering the Council of Europe;
marking, that the law of Georgia about restitution does not provide valid conditions and opportunities for restoration of the rights of the ossetian refugees;
marking the depressing situation with the human rights in Georgia, in particular, the tortures of the prisoners in the georgian prisons, the murders out of court and inquest, practised by the georgian law enforcement bodies, the destruction by the authorities of the last remains of independence of the national judicial system, the use of prisons by the authorities of Georgia for neutralization of the political opposition and the punishment of its leaders, the VIth Congress of the ossetian people calls for inclusion into the agenda of the international organizations of the question on infringements of the human rights and discrimination of the ethnic minorities in Georgia ».
According to the resolution the VIth Congress of the ossetian people marks, that « insufficient attention of the world community to the position of the national minorities, including the ossetians in Georgia, allows the georgian authorities to continue discrimination and infringement of the rights of the ossetians».
«The georgian law, accepted in December, 2006 «about the property restitution and indemnification to persons, that have suffered on the territory of Georgia as a result of the conflict in the former South-Ossetian autonomous region », which Georgia has undertaken to accept in 1999 on entering the Council of Europe, is made so that in every possible way to complicate the real restitution for the ossetian refugees », is spoken in the resolution.
Also, according to the resolution, the VIth Congress of the ossetian people charges the All-Ossetian Council Styr Nykhas with holding a monitoring annually and to prepare and spread the report on the state of the ossetians in Georgia.

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