Boris Chochiev: «The representatives of diplomatic missions misinform the international community by their actions»

пн, 24/09/2007 - 17:07

Today, in the village of Tamarasheni, temporarily controllable by the georgian side, where operates the so-called «temporary administration», headed by Dmitriy Sanakoev, should take place the international conference «Reforms in Georgia and the basic orientations of foreign policy of the country». The ambassadors of foreign states in Georgia are going to take part in the conference, except for the ambassador of Russia Vyacheslav Kovalenko. In this occasion the correspondent of the agency «Res» has addressed the co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) from the Republic of South Ossetia Boris Chochiev for comment.
«The representatives of diplomatic missions provoke intensity in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict by their actions. They take part in an obviously fruitless action. To management of the western countries and especially to the diplomats, working in Georgia, it can"t be unknown, that Dmitriy Sanakoev does not represent anybody in South Ossetia. Therefore the participation of the ambassadors in this action distorts the real alignment of forces in South Ossetia and misinform the international community», Boris Chochiev has told.

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