Press-Release on RSO Parliament Election

Mon, 25/05/2009 - 14:24

On 31 May 2009, 5th Parliament Election will be held in South Ossetia. The election will be conducted according to proportionate system. Four political parties will participate:
- Communist Party of the RSO, ChairmanStanislav Yakovlevish Kochiev, 23 nominees in the party list;
- The Republican Party "Edinstvo", Chairman Zurab Revazovich Kokoev, 34 nominees in the party list;
- "Narodnaya Partia" (People's Party"), Chairman Kazimir Kazbekovich Pliev, 26 nominees in the party list;
- Republican Socialist Party “Fydybasta” (Motherland), Chairman Vyacheslav Fedorovich Gobozov, 10 nominees on the party list.

95 polling stations will be open, out of which 88 on the territory of the Republic (18 in Tskhinval, 14 in Tskhinval district, 21 in Djava district, 12 in Znaur district, 22 in Leningor district). 6 polling stations will be open in North Osseetia-Alania and one in Moscow.
Currently, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of South Ossetia is finalizing the equipping of polling stations in Tskhinval and districts of the Republic. Polling booths, voting boxes, etc., had been already brought to elections commissions. The lists of polling stations with contact telephone numbers, addresses and assigned territory were already published. The election commissions continue disseminating information on the lists of voters, personal invitations are being delivered in order to check the voters’ lists for participation in the voting on 31 May. Upon the decision of the Central Election Commission, a special Informational Center ahs been established which will be providing media with real-time full information on the preparatory process, the actual voting and preliminary voting results. The opening ceremony of the Information Center “Parliamentary Election – 2009” will take place at 14:00, on 28 May 2009, at “Alan” Hotel in Tskhinval. Observers, as well as representatives of foreign mass media are expected to arrive to monitor the observance of all democratic election procedures both at polling stations and at the Informational Center “Parliamentary Election – 2009”.
On the threshold of election to the Parliament of South Ossetia, the Central Election Commission opend a hot-line for the population. Now, it is possible to obtain all necessary election related information by contacting the following phone numbers: 8-(9974)-45-08-74 and 8-800-505-4721. From 18 May to 29 May, the hot-line will be working from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., from 30 May to 1 June, the Central Election Commission staff will be responding to the population’s questions round the clock.

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