

Wed, 02/03/2016 - 16:16

The EU, the UN and the OSCE co-chairs met with South Ossetian delegation in the format of the Geneva Discussions

The Delegation of the EU, UN and OSCE Co-Chairs of the Geneva international discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia have met in Tskhinval with the delegation of South Ossetia, which represents the Republic at the Geneva discussions.

The meeting was organized to discuss preparations for the 35 round of the Geneva talks to be held in Geneva on March 22-23.

At the beginning of the meeting members of the delegation were welcomed by Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev

According to him, the challenges facing the Geneva discussions are very important and relevant.

"Despite the fact that the discussions are held for eighth year, the main task is to prepare a legally binding document on the non-use of force between Georgia and South Ossetia, Georgia and Abkhazia."

Dzhioev has expressed confidence that today's meeting will be productive.

"I'm sure we'll work today fruitfully, -we will go over the agenda of the forthcoming round, noting the main goals, and making a breakthrough in resolving the main issue of the discussions "- Dzhioev said.

The Envoy has reminded about the results of the previous round of the Geneva discussions.

"We were working on a joint statement of all participants in the Geneva discussions on the commitment to the principle of non-use of force - said Dzhioev. - Then our delegation noted that the co-chairs could prepare the draft resolution which would be acceptable to all participants in the discussions, that all the delegations at the Geneva talks were authorized and directed to work on a document on the non-use of force. "

The OON Co-Chair Antti Turunen has noted that the co-chairs are interested in stabilizing the Geneva talk’s process.

"We have discussed the main issues and the comments made in the course of preparation for the next round - Turunen said. - The Co-Chairs also want to make progress, stabilizing the process of the Geneva discussions. We have also conducted internal discussions that the next round to be productive, noting that the situation in the region is stable that should also contribute to the progress in the Geneva talks. "

Then the meeting continued behind closed doors.


Mon, 22/02/2016 - 14:43

In South Ossetia laid flowers on the monument to the defenders of the Fatherland

On the Cathedral square in Tskhinval took place the ceremony of laying flowers on the monument to the defenders of Ossetia. The ceremony was attended by the leadership of the Republic headed by President Leonid Tibilov, Prime Minister Domenti Kulumbegov, MPs led by Speaker Anatoly Bibilov, the staff of ministries and agencies, members of the South Ossetian State University headed by the rector Vadim Tedeev and representatives of law enforcement agencies and the public.

President Leonid Tibilov congratulated on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day, noting the significance of this date for each citizen of South Ossetia.

"Defender of the Fatherland Day is a day that is significant to each of us, - Tibilov said. - Our people have undergone many severe trials on the path to freedom and recognition of the independence of our country, but we have overcome all the difficulties due to the support and assistance of the Russian Federation. "

Speaker of the Parliament Anatoly Bibilov has also congratulated representatives of the security, defence and law enforcement agencies on the upcoming holiday, wishing them peace and prosperity.

"This is a holiday for all those who defended their homeland, - said Bibilov. – We will always remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the sake of peace in South Ossetia. "

It should be noted that the celebration events in South Ossetia are canceled due to the death of the head of North Ossetia Tamerlan Aguzarov.


Tue, 02/02/2016 - 15:49

In Moscow will be signed a Memorandum and Action plan on rendering assistance to South Ossetia in the implementation of the program of sports and tourism development

Within the framework of the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, today in Moscow will be signed the Memorandum and the Action Plan on rendering assistanceSouth Ossetia in theimplementation of theprogram of sports and tourism development.

According to the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia, "it is planned to sign a Memorandum between the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of South Ossetia in the field of tourism for 2016-2019, as well as the Memorandum between the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia".

It should be noted that the Memorandum between the Federal Agency for Tourism and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of South Ossetia provides for the development of tourist exchange, where the parties will contribute to creating favorable conditions for organization of tourist exchange between the two countries. According to the document, the parties will support cooperation of educational institutions of both countries for the purpose of education, training and advanced training of professional personnel for the tourism industry, exchanging the information on the legislation of both states in the field of tourism, including changes in laws and regulations relating to government regulation of the industry, on the system of classification and quality control of tourist and hotel services, exchange of information on investment proposals in the field of tourism and contribute to the development of cooperation between the tourist organizations of the two countries, investment in the tourism industry, as well as to promote protection of the interests and security of tourists in the territory of both countries.

The Memorandum signed between the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation and the Committee on Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of South Ossetia also provides for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of sport. In particular, the parties will encourage cooperation between public sports institutions, sports federations and other sports organizations in the following areas: elite sport, mass sports, sports for the disabled, youth sport; education in sport; volunteer programs; sports science and sports medicine; sports infrastructure; struggle against doping in sport; holding major sporting events; coordination of cooperation within international and public organizations


Sat, 30/01/2016 - 14:55

It is difficult to imagine that the ICC would violate the unwritten "concepts" and put in the dock the wards of the West - Konstantin Kochiev

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has launched an investigation of crimes committed during the armed conflict in South Ossetia in 2008, according to the document published on the official website of the ICC.

"After examining the application and supporting materials, the Chamber decided that there were reasonable grounds to believe that the crimes within the ICC's jurisdiction had been committed in Georgia", - the document says.

The State Adviser to the President of South Ossetia Konstantin Kochiev has stressed that for more than seven years since Georgia's attack on South Ossetia in 2008, no one in Georgia was prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed against the civilian population of South Ossetia and Russian peacekeepers.

"It gave formal grounds for the International Criminal Court to authorize a formal investigation on representation of the Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda - said Kochiev. - The Investigative Committee of Russia submitted to the International Criminal Court a huge amount of materials, confirming the guilt of Georgia."

According to Kochiev, "the ICC Prosecutor, apparently, will not collaborate with the authorities of South Ossetia in order to avoid even the hint of recognition of the international personality of our country."

"At the same time it is difficult to imagine that the ICC would violate the unwritten "concepts" and put in the dock the wards of the West - the criminal Georgian servicemen and representatives of the Georgian authorities "trained and equipped " by NATO members, who gave the criminal commands", -said the State Adviser to the President of South Ossetia.

According to Konstantin Kochiev, it is generally known that the "international justice" of The Hague is based on the principles of double standards, when the title of the US satellite is equivalent to the indulgence even for thosewho areobviously guilty of crimes against humanity.


Wed, 23/12/2015 - 14:30

The Chairman of the Parliament of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov met with the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko

In Moscow took place the meeting of the Chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov with the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko.

According to the information-analytical service of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Russian side was represented by Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov, the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev, a member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Alexander Totoonov, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets Mukharbiy Ulbashev, a member of the Federation Council on the federal structure, regional policy, local government and Northern Affairs Igor Martynov.
The South Ossetian delegation has included the Chairman of the Committee of the Parliament of South Ossetia on legislation, legality and local government Olesya Kochieva and the Chairman of the Committee of the Parliament of South Ossetia on foreign policy and inter-parliamentary relations Igor Kochiev.

In the course of the meeting were summed up the results of inter-parliamentary cooperation and outlined cooperation plans for the next year. "The Federation Council is interested and actively promotes the forming of dynamic interaction with the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia, which is developing successfully in all directions", - said Valentina Matvienko.

She has noted with satisfaction the multifaceted Russian-Ossetian cooperation. The Chairman of the Federation Council has noted that the parliaments of the two countries can contribute to the realization of the Treaty of Alliance and Integration signed in March 2015, between Russia and the Republic of South Ossetia.
"The Federation Council intends to provide full support to this process," - said Valentina Matvienko.
In this regard, she noted the fruitful work of the Commission for Co-operation of the Federation Council and the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia.

The Chairman of the Federation Council pointed to the desirability of closer coordination in the field of legislation.
"It is important that the Russian parliamentarians should support the South Ossetian colleagues in improving the legal framework of the Republic in order to harmonize the legislation of the two countries. It would be useful to send to the Parliament of South Ossetia model laws adopted in the framework of the CIS IPA. South Ossetian parliamentarians can use them as an example in their legislative activities, "- said Valentina Matvienko.

Valentina Matviyenko touched upon the subject of parliamentary control over the expenditure of funds allocated for socio-economic development of the Republic of South Ossetia. She has also reaffirmed Russia's position to ensure security of South Ossetia. "Russia firmly guarantees the security and independence of the Republic- the main prerequisites for the development of South Ossetia, its emergence as a new democratic state," - said the Chairman of the Federation Council.

In turn, Anatoly Bibilov stressed the important role of the Russia and Russian lawmakers in the development of the South Ossetian parliamentary system, in the economic development of the country. "The Russian Federation fully supports the development of the Republic, both economically and politically. The Treaty of Alliance and Integration opens up more opportunities for fruitful cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia ", - he said.

In South Ossetia are hoping that next year will start to be implemented the new agro-industrial projects and the Republic will be supplying agricultural products to the Russian Federation, as the development of agriculture will be a priority in the Republic - said the Chairman of the Parliament of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov.

In general, speaking about Russian-South Ossetian relations, Anatoly Bibilov has stressed that they are at a high level.
"We know that today Russia is the only guarantor of security of our country", - he said.


Leonid Tibilov met with Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin

President LeonidTibilovmetwith Deputy Prime Minister of the RussianFederation – Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federationin the North Caucasian Federaldistrict, Alexander Khloponin.
Leonid Tibilovhas notedthat 2015was not easy forSouth Ossetia, and the Republic's leadershipworkedfruitfullyin the implementationof the Investment program.

"Today will be a regular meetingof the IGC.Wehave worked on the draft Protocolandon other issuesthat will be considered at the meeting- saidTibilov. - I think the workwill be fruitful, and the plans for 2016, will serve strengtheningand development of the Republic".

The Head of State also spoke about the work of the Accounts Chambers of the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia.
"In South Ossetia within three weeks were working Accounts Chambersof the Russian Federationand the Republic of South Ossetia,
. - I think we will not reveal the misuse of funds, and we will justify the trust of our strategic partner - the Russian Federation. "

In turn, Alexander Khloponin has emphasized that the Russian Federation has been fulfilling all the obligations in relation to South Ossetia - "This is strict instructions of President Vladimir Putin."

"The tasks that you, together with Vladimir Putin put before us with respect to the Investment program for the development of the territory are performed. We are grateful to the leadership of the Republic for the efficient work and are interested in the following years to introduce more objects in the Investment program", - concluded Khloponin.

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The 2015-2017 Investment program will be implemented in full, - Alexander Khloponin

The Investment program to promote social development of South Ossetia for 2015-2017 will be implemented in full, said at a briefing in Tskhinval Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Russian part of the Intergovernmental Commission for socio-economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia Alexander Khloponin after a meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission between South Ossetia and Russia.
"The year 2015 was very significant for us, - said Khloponin. - I want to thank my South Ossetian colleagues for the fact that all the action plans have been implemented. "
Khloponin said that the Russian delegation had visited the construction site of the South Ossetian State Drama Theatre.
"This facility will be a landmark for the whole Republic; such objects can arouse the envy of all the regions of the Russian Federation. It is, indeed, a grand structure - said Khloponin. - And despite the difficulties faced today by the economy of the Russian Federation, in relations between South Ossetia and Russia it is no planned any changes. The 2015-2017 Investment program will be implemented in full. "
According to Khloponin, there are no any comments on the effectiveness of the use of funds allocated for the implementation of the investment program.
Today's meeting, according to the Prime Minister of South Ossetia, the Chairman of the South Ossetian part of the Intergovernmental Commission Domenty Kulumbegov, is evidence of coordinated work of the Russian and South Ossetian sides.
"Today's meeting showed how well coordinated may be the work to implement the general plans, reflected in the Investment Program, - said the Prime Minister.

We have all conditions to implement the current program; despite the difficulties faced by Russia today for obvious reasons, the assistance to our Republic has not been reduced, for that I want to address immense gratitude to the leadership of Russia.
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Thu, 17/12/2015 - 13:31

The militants who took part in the fighting on the side of the ISIS are planning to carry out provocations on the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia

Within the framework of IPRM the South Ossetian side has presented the information of the law enforcement agencies of South Ossetia on concentration in the Pankisi Gorge in Georgia the militants who took an active part in the hostilities on the side of the banned terrorist organization ISIS, fleeing Syria, said after a meeting of participants in Mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents (IPRM), the head of South Ossetian delegation David Sanakoev.
According to him, currently the militants are planning to carry out armed provocations; the main targets are the Russian and South Ossetian border guards, civilians, EUMM patrols and the Georgian Interior Ministry.


Wed, 16/12/2015 - 09:32

Ministries of Culture of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation signed a cooperation program for 2016-2020

Today, as part of the IV International St. Petersburg Cultural Forum, the ministries of Culture of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation signed a cooperation program for 2016-2020.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Culture of the RSO, the program was signed by the Minister of Culture of South Ossetia Madina Ostaeva and the Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky.

This program is an important addendum to the Treaty of Alliance and Integration between the two countries, signed on March 18 in the Kremlin, by presidents Leonid Tibilov and Vladimir Putin.

Within the framework of the program there will be trainings of South Ossetian specialists in various Russian institutes, regular participation of creative groups from South Ossetia in cultural events held in Russia, the joint work of Russian and South Ossetian specialists in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage, regular exhibitions of South Ossetian painters in Russia.

This cooperation will be an important factor in all-round development of cultural sphere of South Ossetia and strengthening of the traditional cultural relations between the peoples of South Ossetia and Russia.
