
The adoption of the Act of Independence of South Ossetia will remain forever in the history of the Ossetian people

29/05/2015 - 17:00

May 29 in the Republic of South Ossetia is celebrated the 23th anniversary of the Act of Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Vadim Gabaraev, the first convocation deputy of the Parliament of South Ossetia:

Ossetians have always been independent genetically. When making their first steps, when started talking about independence, the people of South Ossetia took heart. Everyone was striving for freedom.
There were also people who did not want the proclamation of the independence, dissuaded us, saying that the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia was the first step to war. But the only will of the people was independence! People believed and knew it was the only way to freedom.
It is impossible to describe the joy that reigned on the Theater Square May 29, 1992, when we announced the adoption of the Act of Independence of South Ossetia.
It was a great joy for the entire nation. You should have seen the eyes of people, full of joy and steadfastness in their striving for freedom.
The road to freedom was long and difficult, but Ossetians are a great nation, and we have won independence.

Vadim Tskhovrebov, director of the South Ossetian enterprise of bakery products:

The Act of Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia is a historical document, justice, which sooner or later would have to prevail.
The adoption of the Act of Independence of South Ossetia will remain forever in the history of the Ossetian people.
We gained independence, though it was a long road to it. I remember well how we were struggling for independence. We must remember, first of all, those people, both the living and the dead, thanks to whom we won independence; we must honor and respect our independence.
In connection with the celebration of this wonderful day, I wish the people of South Ossetia peaceful sky, happiness, health and prosperity.

Amiran Diaconov, MP of South Ossetia:

The adoption of the Act of Independence of South Ossetia 29 May 1992 is the basic document - the foundation of the independence of our state.
I would like to congratulate the people of South Ossetia on this momentous day, in particular, the members of the first convocation, which laid the basis for the legal framework of our state, thanks to their efforts was adopted the Act of Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia. In this regard, I wish the current Parliament to follow the professionalism, tolerance and patriotism of those people, thanks to whom we are living in the independent state.

Recognition of the independence is the most important event in the contemporary history of South Ossetia

26/08/2013 - 22:27

Flash-poll: Today South Ossetia is celebrating the fifth anniversary of the recognition of its statehood by the Russian Federation. What role, in your opinion this event played in the modern history of South Ossetia?

Vyacheslav Gobozov, Chairman of the State Committee for Information and Press of the RSO:

The Day of recognition of the independence of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation is definitely a landmark date for us. For me, this day means a lot, considering that I was the one who started the movement for the state-building.

There cannot be a free society without a free press

24/07/2013 - 11:35

Flash-poll: Today South Ossetia is marking the Day of the National Media. What this date means for you?

Irina Gagloeva, head of the Media center "IR":
The Day of the National Media is a very important date. 107 years ago, on July 23, was issued the first publication of the newspaper "Iron gazette."

South Ossetians associate Russia with peace, freedom and independence – a flash poll

12/06/2013 - 12:28

News agency "Res" carried out an opinion poll among the public of the Republic of South Ossetia. The respondents were asked:
What does the Day of Russia mean for you?

State Councilor to the RSO President Zhanna Zasseeva:

The Day of Russia for me is the Day of my Fatherland, the day of my childhood and youth. This is the day of the Russian mothers who speak sadly about Ossetia, because their sons fell on the field of battle, protecting the children and the elderly, the Fatherland. At the same time, it is a holiday of my life, because I cannot imagine my life without Russia.

Participants of the meetings with representatives of Georgia become the blind instruments in the hands of Georgian authorities - a flash-poll

20/02/2013 - 17:58

Recently, under the so-called "people's diplomacy" the new Georgian government sent its emissaries to Russia, mainly to North Ossetia, for meetings with the Ossetian public. How do you assess the actions of the Georgian authorities and the position of some Ossetians who agreed to take part in such actions?

Vyacheslav Gobozov, South Ossetian leader of the political party "Fydybaestae":
There is nothing surprising in such actions.
As it is known, representatives of the political bloc of the "Georgian Dream", both during the campaign and now have been declaring that they will draw South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia. In this case they are not talking about the recognition of the independence of these countries.

Vyacheslav Gobozov: Representatives of the Moscow Ossetian diaspora should evaluate the actions of its individual members

31/01/2013 - 12:49

Flash-poll: In Moscow has been held a meeting of Ilia II with representatives of Georgia, living in Moscow, among whom were also members of the Moscow Ossetian community - Amirkhan Torchinov, Gocha Dzasokhov and Nugzar Juruli. How would you comment on the meeting and the statements of those persons, made on behalf of the Ossetian people, in particular, the "restoration of former friendship between the two peoples, in spite of the misunderstandings, (!) between Ossetians and Georgians."

Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia, the leader of the Communist Party Stanislav Kochiev:
This was an ordinary private meeting. So I don`t attach great importance to it. The interests of the people of South Ossetia are represented by the appropriate authorities, in this case by the Parliament. If some people in a warm friendly atmosphere exchange kissing hands, it does not concern us. Let they have it on their conscience. And their statement also is private and has no relation to the Ossetians, because kissing the hands that are stained with blood of the Ossetians – is a sign of short-sightedness. And reassuring Ilya II in the warmest feelings of the Ossetian people to Georgia – is not true. We know that the hands stained with blood, cannot be kissed by the real mouthpieces of the interests of the people of South Ossetia. Ilia II, probably, has forgotten how he treated us in the recent past, calling for killing Ossetians, how he declared an anathema on everybody who killed only Georgians. May be we have forgotten it, like Ivan, without kith or kin? South Ossetian leadership has repeatedly voiced its relation to these people and to these events.

Welcoming Ilya II in Russia is puzzling - Adviser to the President of the RSO

25/01/2013 - 11:54

Flash-poll: How would you comment on the statements of the head of the Georgian Orthodox Church Ilia II, who during the last visit to Moscow once again could not refrain from the political rhetoric, saying he was "confident in the return" of South Ossetia and Abkhazia to Georgia?

Archpriest of the Tskhinval churches, Father Jacob (Khetagurov):

Nothing new has happened to us, the rhetoric is the same. Georgia`s unwillingness to face the reality is obvious. They have been ignoring us for 15 years, pretending we do not exist.
On the other hand, this event – is the affair, the policy of the Russian and the Georgian Orthodox churches. Of course, it concerns us indirectly, we know their position, but obviously it has nothing to do with us. We have our national church, and there is no reason for panic.

Gennady Kokoev: Our foreign policy should be strictly identified

12/10/2012 - 11:56

Flash-poll: This week a meeting of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia David Sanakoev has been held in Moscow . How would you comment on the outcome of the meeting and what are your expectations from the forthcoming official visit of President Leonid Tibilov to Moscow.

Yuri Vazagov, an independent expert:

Attempts to draw South Ossetia into Georgia are doomed to failure - expert

05/10/2012 - 16:48

Flash-poll: How, in your opinion, the outcome of the parliamentary elections in Georgia may affect a relationship between South Ossetia and Georgia?

Kosta Dzugaev, Candidate of Philosophy, associate professor of the South-Ossetian State University:
I think that any positive changes will not take place until 2014.
