

Thu, 25/06/2015 - 11:31

In the capital of South Ossetia has been held the first meeting of the Commission on commemoration of the genocide committed against South Ossetians by Georgia in 1920

The first session of the Commission on commemoration of the genocide committed against the South Ossetians by Georgian Democratic Republic in 1920.
The Meeting was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Commission Eric Pukhaev.
The Commission is established to consider and make decisions on commemoration of the genocide committed by Georgia against South Ossetians in 1920.
The relevant Executive Order was signed by President Leonid Tibilov on June 17, 2015 The commission is composed of prominent scientists - historians, lawyers, artists, representatives of the executive and legislative branches of the government.
The Commission is assigned to make decisions on commemorating of the genocide. According to the RSO Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev, the main objective of the Commission is to bring to the international community the information, the historical truth about the genocide committed against Ossetians in 1920 and achieve the genocide to be condemned by the international community.
Eric Pukhaev offered the participants of the meeting to familiarize with the draft Regulations of the Commission on commemoration of the genocide, according to which will be carried out all subsequent activities. During the meeting was established a working group, which will accumulate all incoming information on the genocide and then, according to the general plan, in the prescribed manner will develop proposals for specific projects.

Thu, 25/06/2015 - 11:30

The fact of crossing the state border by Georgian policemen was discussed at the meeting in the framework of the IPRM

During the past period, the South Ossetian border guards detained 20 violators of the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia, said Deputy Presidential Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty after a meeting of participants of mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents (IPRM) in the Georgian village of Ergneti.
"18 of the 20 detainees were deported to Georgia after paying a fine, two are still under investigation," - said Gagloyty.
Deputy Envoy has noted that the participants in the framework of the IPRM have agreed that the security situation on the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia has been found to be satisfactory.
"It was continued to study the incident which took place in the area to the north of the Georgian village of Ditsi - said Gagloyty. - It was recorded the fact of crossing the border from Georgia by several persons in the uniform of riot police. The Georgian side acknowledged that they were representatives of the Georgian police and they carried out activities to search for a local shepherd. They have assured us that in the future they will act in the name of stability and border security. "
According to Gagloyty, the EU Monitoring Mission once again negatively characterized such incidents.
"We, for our part, have once again brought to the Georgian side our position that the protective structures are located in the territory of South Ossetia, and any approach to them is considered as the fact of violation of the state border line", - concluded Gagloyty.

Thu, 25/06/2015 - 11:28

The Federation Council ratified the Treaty of alliance and integration between South Ossetia and Russia

The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ratified the Agreement on Alliance and Integration between the Russian Federation and South Ossetia.
Federal Law "On ratification of the Agreement on Alliance and Integration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia" was presented at the plenary session of the upper house by member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Alexander Totoonov.
As reported IA to "Res" by the senator`s assistant Katherine Tolasova, the Treaty was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov in Moscow on March 18. South Ossetian parliament ratified it on April 3 and the State Duma on June 19.
"The Treaty of Alliance and integration is the development of extensive juridical base of relations with a friendly South Ossetia, which has already consisted of 83 bilateral documents and relies on the so-called Major Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. The new agreement fixes the intention of the parties to establish gradually closer cooperation in social, economic and humanitarian spheres, as well as in defense and security matters. It is a framework agreement and is intended to form the basis for conclusion of separate agreements on the mentioned areas ", - said Alexander Totoonov.
According to the parliamentarian, the Treaty fully meets the national interests of our country and corresponds to the line adopted by the President of Russia to render active assistance in the development of South Ossetia as a modern democratic state, strengthening of its international position, security and socio-economic formation of the country.
The senators unanimously supported the ratification of the document.


Wed, 24/06/2015 - 16:42

Доменти Кулумбегов посетил фермерские хозяйства Цхинвальского района Южной Осетии

Председатель правительства Южной Осетии Доменти Кулумбегов посетил фермерские хозяйства в Цхинвальском районе Южной Осетии. В поездке его сопровождали заместитель главы района Валерий Бибилов, глава Сатикарской сельской администрации Николай Догузов.

Wed, 24/06/2015 - 14:06

Не стало Юлии Теховой

Общественность Республики Южная Осетия понесла тяжелую утрату – ушла из жизни замечательный человек, патриот, достойный представитель своего народа Юлия Николаевна Техова. Она принадлежит к поколению интеллигентов, которых называют «сталинирцами».

Wed, 24/06/2015 - 09:48

In the village of Ergneti will be held the 56th meeting of the IPRM format

June 24 On the South Ossetian-Georgian border near the village of Ergneti will be held the 56th meeting of the format of Mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents (IPRM).
According to the press service of the Office of the RSO Presidential Envoy, the meeting will be held with the participation of representatives of South Ossetia, the Russian Federation and Georgia, as well as representatives of the EUMM and the OSCE.

The meeting will study issues of compliance with the criteria of security around the perimeter of the state border of South Ossetia, on its South Ossetian-Georgian section.

The delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia is led by Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary of the RSO for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty.


Sat, 20/06/2015 - 11:45

Leonid Tibilov: Improving living and social conditions of the local population is one of the main tasks of the Republican leadership

June 18, South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov and Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliev, who is in the Republic on a working visit, toured the districts of the Republic.
As reported to IA "Res" by Presidential press Secretary Ghana Yanovskaya, the Head of state and the bguests were accompanied by Secretary of the Security Council of South Ossetia Anatoly Pliev, Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of South Ossetia Zalina Tskhovrebova, the Chairman of the Committee for construction and exploitation of motor roads of South Ossetia Eduard Guzitaev and other officials.
Leonid Tibilov and Rashid Nurgaliev visited the villages Sinagur and Tedelet in Dzau district, talking to local population, reviewed the pace of construction of houses being built under the program of resettlement of border regions of South Ossetia.
During the conversation with the local population, the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov and Deputy Secretary of Security Council of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliev have noted that it should be paid serious attention to the border settlements of the Republic.
"Improvement of living and social conditions of the local population is one of the main tasks of the Republican leadership. It is important to revive the villages to hear children's laughter in schools, and the local population must increase, "- said the head of state.
Rashid Nurgaliyev, in turn, has stressed that the current cross-border development program just covers the villages, which are in dire need of schools, kindergartens, and transport accessibility.
"Today we have come here with the president, just to see how the program is being implemented, to see, what can be done for your area, "- said Nurgaliyev.
During the conversation with the locals there were a lot of social issues, including: transportation services, food supply area, and much more. The owners of houses under construction expressed their deep gratitude.
It was particularly touching how the schoolchildren expressed gratitude for the homes built, they sang the national anthem of the Russian Federation, and read their own poems.
The president has promised the children that he will do everything possible to delight and inspire the younger generation.
"For me, our children, who are the future of our Republic, are always in the first place. And when you see what talents are hidden in the mountains, you realize just how rich is our country, how boundless are its possibilities, "- said the head of state.
During his visit, the head of state and the guests inspected the progress of road construction Sinagur-Karzman, having examined the most difficult sections. Leonid Tibilov and Rashid Nurgaliyev have listened to the proposals of the builders, as well as to the report of the Chairman of the Committee for construction and exploitation of motor roads of South Ossetia Eduard Guzitaev.
"The main sections of the route have already been completed, it is necessary to build the second part of the road. By next year, we plan to begin by the arrangement of the road, "- he said.
Tomorrow on the results of the trip will be given instructions at the weekly meeting of the staff, which monitors the implementation of the Investment Program to promote socio-economic development of the RSO.


Thu, 18/06/2015 - 15:32

President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov signed an Executive Order to establish the commission on commemorating of the genocide committed against the South Ossetians by Georgia

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov signed an Executive Order to establish the commission on commemoration of the genocide committed against the South Ossetians by Georgian Democratic Republic in 1920.
As reported to IA "Res" by Presidential press Secretary Ghana Yanovskaya,
"taking into account the importance of commemoration of the genocide in 1920 for the historical memory of the people of South Ossetia, the importance of informing the international community and the need to recognize the historical responsibility for the crimes committed against South Ossetians and in accordance with the paragraph 1 of Article 52 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Ossetia, the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov signed an Executive Order to establish the Commission on commemorating of the genocide committed against the South Ossetians by Georgian Democratic Republic in 1920."
According to Yanovskaya, by August 1, 2015 the Committee, composed of representatives of the government and scientific intelligentsia of South Ossetia, must develop the Regulations of the Commission and an action plan to commemorate the genocide committed against the South Ossetians by Georgian Democratic Republic in 1920.


Thu, 11/06/2015 - 19:51

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov met with co-chairs of the Geneva discussions

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov met with co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia.
The delegation of the Co-Chairs of the Geneva discussions has included the OSCE co-chair Angelo Gnedinger, the EU co-chairman Herbert Zalber, the OSCE spokesmen Race Ostrauskaitė, Tobiyas Privitelli, Marko Brkic, the EU officials Magdalena Grono, Emmanuel Anquetil, the UN representatives Frank Remus Hailu, Mamo, Irina Egorova.
The Head of State welcomed the guests and noted the need for activities in the framework of the Geneva discussions.
"We hope that at the forthcoming round of the Geneva discussions the participants will find a common language, and thus will promote to resolve the issues and challenges of this format, - the president said. - The main aim of the Geneva discussions is to find common ground in order to maintain the peace, to find mutual understanding and exclude mistrust between the parties. In this regard, we believe that the issue of the non-use of force should be the main issue of the Geneva discussions. And, perhaps, it is time for the Georgian side to realize that without signing the legally binding document on non-use of force any progress in the post-conflict settlement is doubtful. I hope that at the next round the parties will come to a mutual understanding, and will be developed a statement of the commitment to a peaceful solution of the principles of the basic question. "
The President has stressed that in South Ossetia appreciate the need to work in the format of the Geneva discussions.
"To date, the Geneva discussions is the only platform where South Ossetia, Georgia and Abkhazia could find a language that would become positive in the settlement of the situation", - said the head of state.
The EU Co-Chair Herbert Zalber, in turn, thanked the President for the opportunity to meet with him and discuss a number of important issues.
"An important theme of the Geneva discussions is an agreement on the non-use of force, we are working on this issue - said Zalber. - Of course, we wish the meetings in the framework of the discussions were much more effective. We ask ourselves, how to achieve this and, perhaps, there is no the perfect answer. We can only make suggestions, and the parties represented in the Geneva discussions, can decide whether they accept them or not.
We also intend to make a proposal for a more dynamic agenda in the sense that we will not have a fixed scheme, but there will be more flexibility in the work under the authority of the co-chairs. Such a scheme would give us as, the co-chairs, to more effectively manage this process. Such changes reveal some chances. "
The OSCE co-Chair Angelo Gnedinger has noted that the co-chairs considered the letter of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov concerning the fate of the missing citizens of South Ossetia, as well as those serving sentences in Georgian prisons.
"We know that the International Committee of the Red Cross doing some work on the missing persons, we are also working on this issue - said Gnedinger. - We regularly meet with the relatives of the missing South Ossetian citizens. Today we have also met with them. During the meeting I have informed them that the fate of the three people, missing since October 2008, will be clarified by the OSCE independent expert. "

Thu, 11/06/2015 - 19:45

In Tskhinval co-chairs of the Geneva discussions met with South Ossetian counterparts

In Tskhinval the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia have met with members of the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva talks.
The meeting was also attended by the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Kazbulat Tskhovrebov.
At the beginning of the meeting the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement, the head of the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva discussions Murat Dzhioev welcomed the guests and noted the importance of the existing international format.
"We, in South Ossetia appreciate the Geneva discussions - said Dzhioev. - We believe that this format is really effective and can ensure security and stability in our region. "
According to Dzhioev, the guarantee of safety is to prepare a document on the non-use of force in the framework of the Geneva discussions.
"This is a document that will have a strong international guarantees, it is in the interests not only of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, but also all residents of the region as a whole - said Dzhioev. - At the same time, the work of the Geneva discussions is not as smooth as we would like, our Georgian partners sometimes deliberately sabotage the discussion of vital issues. Sometimes they try to impose on such issues that are not so actual as the questions of security and the non-use of force. We need to consider that humanitarian issues directly linked to the situation in the region. "
The EU co-chairman Herbert Zalber also noted the importance of the format of the Geneva discussions.
"We are glad to meet you once again in order to prepare for the next round of Geneva talks - said Zalber. - Sometimes it was a little difficult to use the existing format, but we are thinking about how to make this forum more effective. The previous round did not end quite the way we wanted. We thought about it, and we will discuss with you the proposals that we have. "
The OSCE co-Chair Angelo Gnaedinger raised the issues of the South Ossetian missing citizens, as well as those serving sentences in Georgian prisons.
"We would like to be useful for the imprisoned people, as well as the missing persons- said Gnaedinger. - With regard to the missing persons, we have a green light from Tbilisi that the OSCE should have an independent expert. And we hope we will decide how we will work further in this direction. "
Then the meeting continued behind closed doors.
