
One more ossetian village is blocked

25/05/2007 - 11:52

The Georgian side has made one more attempt of aggravating of the situation in the zone of the conflict. Earlier the Government of South Ossetia Republic had repeatedly openly informed about the construction of a roundabout road in Znaur region, that would allow the inhabitants of the region to move freely, and the Georgian party wouldn"t raise any official claims in this occasion.

Boris Chochiev: «Tbilisi suggests discussing the obviously impracticable requirements»

25/05/2007 - 11:42

The South-Ossetian part of JCC has sent the Georgian party a letter with the offer to hold the next session of JCC for discussion of the situation, having developed in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict. The co-chairman of JCC from the south-ossetian party Boris Chochiev has informed about it to the correspondent of «Res». To his words, in response the Georgian party has reacted inadequately enough.

Eduard Kokoyty: «The mass media should be exact and impartial»

23/05/2007 - 09:30

The problems, facing today the mass-media of South Ossetia Republic, have become the point of issue at the meeting of the President of South Ossetia Republic Eduard Kokoyty with the management of the State committee on information and press, the editors of the state mass media and the state broadcasting company «Ir».

The rotation of the peacemakers passes without failures

23/05/2007 - 09:22

According to the decision of JCC « About the Joint Peacekeeping Forces » in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict (Protocol № 7 from December, 6th, 1994) the staff, having arrived on May, 21st in substitute for the Russian battalion from the structure of JPKF, has started the procedure of reception-transfer of the places of performance of duty, technical equipment and arms, as well as the housing stock and the objects of life support. The correspondent of «Res» was informed about it by the assistant of the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict on work with the mass-media, the captain Vladimir Ivanov.

The threat of life of children of the village Tamarasheni has appeared to be false

23/05/2007 - 09:20

In the village Tamarasheni, which is situated in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict, today afternoon a subject similar to mine has been found. With the purpose of checking of the received information the group of tripartite military observers and the representatives of the Mission of OSCE, accompanied by the sappers of the Russian battalion from the structure of JPKF has left there.

Georgia continues the military reinforcement

23/05/2007 - 09:18

The Georgian side has renewed the actions on reinforcement of its military presence along the borders with South Ossetia Republic. Yesterday there began the arrangement of the fortification constructions in the south-west direction, namely on the territory of the Georgian settlement Avnevi, which is temporarily uncontrollable by the authorities of South Ossetia Republic, adjoining the border of Georgia.

As a result of shelling two inhabitants of Tskhinval have received wounds

21/05/2007 - 09:48

Under the specified information from the Republican somatic hospital, as a result of shelling of Tskhinval a town dweller Valeriy Chabiev (21 year old) has received splinter wounds and Zareta Khurieva (49 years old) has received a splinter wound of the lower extremity. Doctors estimate their condition as stable, the life of the wounded is out of danger. At present the intensity of shelling has subsided a little, however periodically the shelling renews with a former force.

The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF

21/05/2007 - 09:47

On May, 19th, 2007 at the administrative border of South Ossetia in the area of the southern side of Tskhinvali and the Georgian villages Ergneti, Kvemo-Nikozi from 20.15pm till 20.35pm and from 21.48pm till 22.00 intensive skirmishes with application of small arms and grenade cup discharges have occurred.

It is necessary to carry out a rotation of the Russian peace-making battalion

21/05/2007 - 09:46

According to the decision of JCC « About the Joint Peacekeeping Forces » in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict (Protocol № 7 from December, 6th, 1994) a scheduled rotation of the military men of the Peace-making battalion from the Russian Federation will be carried out from May, 21st till May, 25th, 2007. The amount of the staff, entering for the replacement according to the mandate, will make 500 persons; the heavy technical equipment will not be entered into the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict.
