By April 2013 will be worked out a comprehensive plan for the development of South Ossetia till 2016, according to which will be determined the socio-economic development for the next years. This has been declared at a press conference in Tskhinval by Deputy Minister of Regional Development of Russia Sergey Vereshchagin, who has arrived in the Republic on a working visit.
"For the first time of work the Interdepartmental Committee on socio-economic cooperation between South Ossetia and Russia adopted a specific, systematic and correct decision about a new approach to our relationship. The essence of this decision is to move from the point format work on specific projects and activities in any settlement to the format of the work at the combined strategy of the Republic of South Ossetia ", - said the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development.
According to him, "it is planned to develop a comprehensive development plan to 2016 - a new investment program for this period, based on this strategy."
"The program will include the activities necessary for the integrated development of South Ossetia," - said Vereshchagin.
He has recalled the Russian-South Ossetian Economic Forum, held in Tskhinval in September 2011where signed an agreement to develop such a document.
"I am glad to say that with the formation of the new government of South Ossetia, the work finally began to move forward. Last summer the government of the Republic signed a contract with the Russian ''Centre of Stratigraphic Design-Region'', and for three or four months, we will have the development program up to 2016", - said Vereshchagin.
He added that in this work were involved virtually all Russian ministries and departments.
"Within the frames of new format Russia will provide South Ossetia all necessary assistance, including financial support," - said the Russian official.
He added that the new format of the work does not involve curtailing construction provided in the previously approved investment program for promoting socio-economic development of South Ossetia in 2012-2013.
"All the objects and activities planned earlier will be completed by all means. All the agreements, reached earlier, will not be canceled, but the future of South Ossetia will be determined by the new development strategy, the development of which will be completed by April, 2013 ", - said Vereshchagin.
He has added that a lot of money (about 200 million) is allocated for preparation of construction documents and ongoing activities. The lack of such documentation in many respects was a reason of delaying and inefficiency of reconstruction and construction processes of social and infrastructure facilities in the country.