Fund for support of the wounded of the RSO organized a cultural study tour of North Ossetia for disabled persons

Tue, 26/11/2013 - 12:40

Fund for support of the wounded who became disabled during the fighting in South Ossetia in 1989-2008 has organized for the defenders of South Ossetia a cultural study tour of historical sites in North Ossetia.

According to the head of the Fund Madina Plieva, the tour has involved 14 people, the four of whom are the amputees.
The cultural study tour was timed to the 24th anniversary of the beginning of the people's struggle for freedom and independence, marked in South Ossetia on November 23.
"Then we could stop the armed crowd of many thousands of Georgians, bursting in Tskhinval to conduct the allegedly peaceful rally. Many of the guys taking part in the current trip, were also among the heroes who blocked the aggressor," - told Plieva.
According to Plieva, during the cultural study tour the disabled persons visited the Alanian Epiphany Convent in Alagir, the Monastery of the Holy Dormition in Fiagdon and historical monument "The Dead Town," as well as other historical sites.
"In both monasteries we were welcomed very warmly and hospitably," - said Madina Plieva.
She has added that the assistance in organizing the cultural study tour was rendered to the Fund by the government of South Ossetia.
"President Leonid Tibilov provides great support to our Fund. Each of our appeal is considered at short notice, "- said Plieva.
To date, 197 citizens who have become disabled during the hostilities in South Ossetia in 1989-2008, are registered in the Fund for support of the wounded.

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