

Mon, 17/09/2018 - 18:51

The exhibition-presentation of the leading Russian universities will be held in Tskhinval

The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Tskhinval together with Russia.Study - the Agency for Cooperation in Education, will hold an exhibition and presentation of the leading Russian universities on September 26 "Education in Russia is the start of a successful future."
The event will be held in the South Ossetian State University.
Visitors will be able to learn about the programs of professional development in Russian universities, obtaining a second higher education, the conditions of admission and training in master's degree programs, distance learning programs

Mon, 17/09/2018 - 17:39

The EU Co-chair calls on South Ossetia to openly declare its position on refugees in Geneva

The format of the Geneva discussions provides ideal conditions for discussing refugee issues, said co-chair Toivo Claar at a briefing in Tskhinval.

"I think that the issue of refugees is important for both Tbilisi and the entire region, and South Ossetia should raise this issue at all venues," Claar said. - In particular, the Geneva format provides ideal conditions for this. Representatives of South Ossetia should openly declare in Geneva their position on this issue. "

Mon, 17/09/2018 - 17:17

South Ossetia and Dagestan agreed on cooperation in the field of youth policy

Activists of the South Ossetian youth organization "United Alania" within the framework of the previously signed agreement on a get-to-know-you visit will come to the Republic of Dagestan.
As reported to IA "Res" by the press service of the organization, the youth delegation is headed by the Chairman of the organization - Mikhail Kochiev.

Mon, 17/09/2018 - 16:21

Co-chairs of the Geneva discussions arrived in Tskhinval

The Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia on the issues for post-conflict settlement, Murat Dzhioev, has received the UN, OSCE and the European Union representatives, who have arrived on the eve of the upcoming round of talks in early October.
Dzhioev, at the beginning of the meeting, has greeted the co-chairs, expressing confidence that the parties will be able to work fruitfully on the agenda of the upcoming round.


Sat, 15/09/2018 - 13:10

South Ossetia proposed holding a meeting within the framework of the IPRM after the elections in Georgia

The South Ossetian side proposed to postpone the next meeting within the framework of theIncidents Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRM) on November 8, but Georgia has not yet reacted, told journalists Deputy Presidential Envoy for post-conflict settlement Yegor Kochiev.
"We offered the Georgian side to postpone the meeting to a later date, due to the complicated political situation in Georgia, where the presidential election campaign is under way," Kochiev said. "However, we have not yet received an answer."



Tue, 11/09/2018 - 18:28

South Ossetia is taking part in the international forum "Caucasian Dialogue"

Representatives of South Ossetia are taking part in the international forum "Caucasian Dialogue", which is being held in Karachai-Cherkessia. According to the official website of the head and government of the KCR, about 60 people from the regions of Russia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia and South Ossetia are participating in the event.

Tue, 11/09/2018 - 18:26

Russia plays a leading role in normalization of the situation in Transcaucasia and the Middle East

The political map of the world is changing rapidly. Equally rapidly some prominent political and religious figures change their color, their ideological orientation. Not only individual politicians and state leaders perish for mastering the natural, mainly oil and gas resources of the planet, but whole nations and states can sink in history or become a territory without a law ...
