

Tue, 09/08/2011 - 11:23

Eduard Kokoity: Ratification of the agreements on military bases will put an end to dreams of the Georgian hawks about the military revenge

The Russian military bases are located in the territory of South Ossetia and Abkhazia on legal grounds, according to earlier signed interstate agreements. It has been declared the journalists in Tskhinval by the President of the RSO Eduard Kokoity in connection with the ratification of the agreement submitted to the Russian Federation State Duma by the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev on incorporated Russian military base in South Ossetia which was signed in Moscow on April, 7, 2010. «I consider symbolical that the document on ratification has been submitted by President Dmitry Medvedev today, on the third anniversary of the Georgian aggression.


Sun, 07/08/2011 - 18:20

The War in August, 2008. Three years later.


On the 1st of August the Georgians, as usual, shelled the city. That evening seven people were
killed and four wounded in the blasts. These were the first steps to war, the rst challenge thrown out
against the Ossetians, or, more properly, this was a stage of the challenge that has lasted since I was
born, from 1992.


Fri, 05/08/2011 - 16:43

The problems of refugees and the displaced persons have been gradually resolving in the RSO

The problem of socio-economic integration of refugees and the displaced persons is one of the most important in our Republic for today. It is a problem of vital importance, which has to be solved in the near future. The head of the department of social support of refugees at the Ministry of health and social development Kazbek Karsanov has informed the news agency «Res» about the state of affairs in this sphere.

News agency "Res": What is the quantity of refugees and the displaced persons from villages of the Republic during the Georgian aggression? What are their conditions of life?

- Today the quantity of refugees and the displaced persons is 3600 men. The majority of them has received this status in the nineties, the others- in 2008-2009. The stream of refugees does not stop, though, it is less than before. Unfortunately, the conditions of life have changed a little. Basically they live in the same public centres. Really, people live in bad conditions; we help them, as we can. But I hope that in the near future the situation will start to change for the better.


Thu, 04/08/2011 - 17:36

The South-Ossetian deputies will leave for Abkhazia as the observers at the elections

Deputies of the Parliament of South Ossetia will take part in the presidential elections of the Republic of Abkhazia as the observers. As the Speaker of the Parliament Stanislav Kochiev has informed the news agency "Res", the Parliament received an official invitation from the Chairman of the Abkhazian Parliament Nugzar Ashuba. «I have decided to assign as the observers in Abkhazia on one deputy from each fraction.

Thu, 04/08/2011 - 16:44

On August, 7 the international youth forum "Iryston-2011" will open in South Ossetia

The International youth forum: «Iryston -2011» on a theme: «the positive image of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Abkhazia, its propaganda on a global scale» -will start in South Ossetia. It has been reported to the news agency "Res" at the informational-analytical department of the Ministry of Education, science and youth policy of the RSO. «The forum will be hold on August, 7-13, 2011, - has been noted at the Ministry of Education. The participants of the forum will come from the different youth and public organizations of Russia, Transdniestrian- Moldavian Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and other countries».


Wed, 03/08/2011 - 11:50

Eduard Kokoity: South Ossetia is aimed at the maximum integration with Russia

South Ossetia and its people are aimed at the maximum integration with Russia. It has been declared today by the President of the RSO Eduard Kokoity. «The people of South Ossetia are historically focused on Russia and will never forget the historical decision of Moscow on recognition of independence of South Ossetia in August, 2008», - Kokoity has said. According to the head of the state, taking into account the past and also the today's realities, South Ossetia is aimed at the maximum integration with Russia.

Wed, 03/08/2011 - 11:50

Frontier management of the Russian Federation in the RSO: the situation on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia -is stable

The situation on the frontier of South Ossetia and Georgia is stable and predictable. It has been reported to the news agency "Res" at the Boundary management of the FSS of Russia in South Ossetia. «Incidents occurring periodically, are basically, connected with crossing of the state border of South Ossetia by the Georgian shepherds together with their herds. Despite the agreement within the frames of the Mechanisms on prevention and reaction to incidents (МPRI), such facts take place all the same and that is the proof of negligent work of the Georgian law-enforcement bodies on prevention of such incidents», - has been noted at the press-service. According to their information within the last two months, the Russian frontier guards have detained 19 frontier violators, 13 of them are the citizens of Georgia, four –the South-Ossetian citizens and two of them are the citizens of Great Britain. «As a rule, the violators are usually transferred to the KGB of the RSO Frontier service.


Tue, 02/08/2011 - 11:23

Boris Chochiev: the USA is like «a drowning man, who will catch at a straw»

The USA is trying to convince the world community that Russia was the initiator of the war in August, 2008 in South Ossetia. It has been declared the news agency "Res" by the Plenipotentiary of the RSO President Boris Chochiev, making comments on the resolution of the USA senate, which contains the appeal to Russia for stopping "occupation" of Georgia. As he said, adopting the similar decisions, the USA reminds of «a drowning man, who will catch at a straw». Chochiev regretfully has stated a fact that South Ossetia did not expect the other decision of the USA senate. «Whether they could make the other decision? Though the whole world has learnt, that exactly Georgia attacked South Ossetia, and Russia came to the rescue and prevented the USA and other countries which had armed Saakashvili regime and had given their blessing to aggression against South Ossetia», - Chochiev has emphasized.

Tue, 02/08/2011 - 11:21

Two of four state border violators have been expelled from South Ossetia

Two citizens of Georgia, arrested for illegal crossing of the frontier of South Ossetia last week, have been expelled from the Republic. It has been informed the news agency "Res" at the KGB of the RSO press-service. «A citizen of Georgia Alexander Majsuradze, an inhabitant of the village Ditsi of Goriyskiy region, Georgia, 1959 year of birth, has been expelled from the Republic of South Ossetia according to the RSO Law of the state border, article 14, part 4» , - has been noted at the press-service.
