

Tue, 19/07/2011 - 14:08

Co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions will visit South Ossetia

Co-chairmen of the Geneva discussions on safety and stability issues in Transcaucasia plan to pay working visit to South Ossetia on July, 19. The delegation will include the EU special representative P.Morel, the representative of the United Nations A.Turunen and special OSCE representative G.Chekuolis. As informed by the news agency "Res", the representatives of OSCE, the United Nations and the EU will be received by the President of the Republic Eduard Kokoity at the Tskhinval office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement.


Mon, 18/07/2011 - 19:02

ICRC realizes the water supply project in South Ossetia

Mission of the International Сommittee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is realizing the water supply project in the village Khetagurovo, Tskhinvalskiy region, RSO. It has been reported to the news agency "Res" by the employee of the Mission on public relations Marina Tedety. «The inhabitants of the village Khetagurovo have problems with water supply, and heads of rural and regional administrations have addressed to us with the request to render them assistance in resolving this issue. Our experts have developed the relevant project and have started its implementing», - Tedety has noted.


Sat, 16/07/2011 - 17:22

Merab Chigoev: Georgia purposefully tries to discredit the Russian Federation as the peacemaker in South Ossetia

Flash-poll: Recently Georgia has speeded up provocations at the frontier zone, including illegal crossing of the RSO border, the frontier-guards shooting and the groundless charges of South Ossetia of the incidents. In your opinion, what aims does the Georgian leadership pursue by these actions and what are the possible counter-measures?

Merab Chigoev, the Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement:

The purposes which are pursued by the Georgian leadership are obvious and they mostly touch not problems connected with South Ossetia, but the Georgian-Ossetian relations. Being more definite, the constant statements of Georgia that they have caught Russian agents, is nothing more than spy mania, plus unreasonable charges of South Ossetia of the incidents which happen at the border. All these facts testify that Georgia purposefully tries to discredit the Russian Federation as the peacemaker in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and as much as possible tries to receive any political dividends, using forbidden tricks and methods. In this sphere the Georgian mass media, absolutely subordinated to the authorities and being their megaphone, are actively used. The evidence of it is the recent incident in the village Knolevi (Georgia) in immediate proximity from the border of the RSO. I do not know whether it was a casual shot or not, but the young woman has been killed, and the Georgian mass-media instantly have, as if at the command, discharged theit anger upon South Ossetia, accusing it that the shot has been made on the part of the RSO, though they should really have known that the shot was made in the village Knolevi. Similar actions suggest that Georgia tries to discredit first of all the peace-loving policy of Russia, the Russian military men and frontier guards, and, at the same time, of course, our young Republic and our relevant structures which protect our frontier.


Fri, 15/07/2011 - 12:14

The measures on releasing the citizens kidnapped and illegally detained in Georgia are taken in the RSO

The actions on releasing the kidnapped and illegally detained citizens of the RSO in Georgia are in the centre of attention of the department of the Plenipotentiary of the RSO President on post conflict settlement. It has been reported to the journalists by the head of the department Boris Chochiev. He has noted that this question is discussed within the frames of the Geneva discussions, and also at the meetings of mechanisms on prevention and reaction to incidents.

Fri, 15/07/2011 - 12:08

Eduard Kokoity: With Saakashvili coming to power all efforts have been directed on discrediting the peace-making mission

The Russian peace-making operation is a unique one which by firm and harmonious actions promoted peace and stability in South Ossetia throughout many years. It has been declared by the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity at the briefing in South Ossetia, speaking about a role of peacemakers in settling up the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. As he has said, each nation has immoral dates of its history.

Fri, 15/07/2011 - 12:03

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Peacemakers’ bases have become the main and the first-priority targets of attack

The Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO

On July, 14, 2011 the Peacemaker Day is celebrated in the Republic of South Ossetia. This day 19 years ago on the basis of the Agreement "About principles of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement", signed in Sochi on June, 24, 1992 by Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia and North Ossetia, peacekeeping forces as a part of three motor-rifle battalions from Russia, Georgia and Ossetia (the Mixed forces on supporting peace) entered into a zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict; they promoted cessation of the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia lasting since 1989, cease-fire and was the guarantor of peace and stability in the region for many years.


Thu, 14/07/2011 - 19:19

South Ossetia is celebrating the Peacemaker’s Day

Today, on July, 14, South Ossetia is celebrating one of the most significant dates of the modern history - entering the mixed forces on supporting peace into the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. Today is 19 years from the beginning of the peace-making operation with a unique format (except the Russian contingent, the mixed forces on supporting peace also included the Ossetian and the Georgian battalions). The peacemakers entered into the conflict zone on July, 14, 1992. By this moment thousands civilians have become the victims of three-year aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia, 117 Ossetian villages have been burnt, more than 100 thousand Ossetians have been expelled from their houses. Tskhinval found itself in a siege, the defenders of the town were repulsing the daily attacks of the Georgian army, and the fights became more and more hardened and bloody.


Wed, 13/07/2011 - 16:49

Representatives of the RSO have taken part in the meeting within the frames of the dialogue "Point of view"

The institute of analysis and resolution of conflicts at the George Mason University has held the ninth meeting between representatives of the Georgian and the South-Ossetian civil societies from 8 to 10 July, 2011 in Istanbul. According to the press release results of the meeting, this time 26 participants took part in the informal meeting, including representatives of the international and non-governmental organizations, and also advisers of the Great Britain Foreign Ministry and the Agency on the USA international development. All those present took part in the meeting as private persons and did not represent interests of any organizations.

Wed, 13/07/2011 - 14:22

Inal Pliev: I wish the Ukrainian leadership to take up the problems of its own state

Ukraine – is not the country, which recognition is vital for South Ossetia, -the expert Inal Pliev has declared the news agency "Res", making comments on the statement of the director of the informational policy department of the Ukraine Foreign Ministry Oleg Voloshin that «Ukraine will not recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed Abkhazia and South Ossetia».
