The question on the order of crossing the frontier of the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia in a check point «Tskhinval-Ergneti" has been considered today at the RSO government session. The head of the RSO KGB frontier service Sergey Kolbin has made a speech in regard to this question. As he said, in November of the last year the government of South Ossetia had approved the list of the points of simplified crossing of the Georgian border by the Republican citizens.
«During the discussion of the draft resolution the question connected with the check point crossing by the persons who leave for the meetings with the international observers, and for transferring the persons detained for the frontier violation» has been missed, - Kolbin has emphasized. He has also noticed that the former name of the draft resolution «About the order of the RSO state frontier crossing in a check point « Tskhinval - Ergneti» does not correspond to its content as the question is about the category of persons who cross the border. As a result of the discussion the word "order" has been excluded off the bill name. The point "a" of the bill about organization and realization of crossing the check point "Tskhinval-Ergneti" by the employees and experts of the international organizations for fulfilling the agreements, concluded within the frames of the Geneva discussions and for holding the multilateral meetings, and also by the employees of the international organizations participating in restoration of the economic objects of national importance of the Republic of South Ossetia has been removed during the discussion. Several participants of the meeting have expressed their opinion that this term has been stipulated in the point «d» about organization of crossing the check point "Tskhinval-Ergneti" in exceptional cases, demanding the individual decision. Members of the government have unanimously voted for adoption of the bill taking into account all amendments.