"There was no fear, - there was a desire to defeat the enemy" – the members of the riot police about the events of August 2008

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For many years South Ossetia was under the yoke of the Georgian fascism. Destroying the small South Ossetian people in painful, inhuman torture, our "good" territorial neighbors were torn apart by a burning desire to drown Ossetia in blood. The climax of their madness was 2008, when Georgia intended to arrange another genocide against the Ossetians with the loud name "Clean Field".

Midnight. 8 August. The implementation of the demoniac idea began - a march to a sleeping peaceful city. Possessed by recklessness? Or naivety, believing to surreptitiously crush the Ossetians?

Risking their own lives, and sometimes at the cost of them, South Ossetian servicemen and militias again stood up to defend their Motherland, taking on the blows of the Georgian armada.

On the eve of the 13th anniversary of the bloodthirsty, lightning-fast war on 08.08.08, the correspondent of the "Res" news agency talked with the OMON officers of the Republic of South Ossetia - the commander of a branch of a motorized rifle company Vladimir Maldzigov and Deputy company commander Vadim Tskhovrebov.

"For me, OMON is a symbol of justice, service for the good of the people," said Vadim Tskhovrebov.

"I joined the OMON right after school, in 1995, we can say, from the origins of the formation of the special forces. It was also here that my personality was formed, my character was tempered. In those years, there were various difficulties in the work, because the detachment was created in difficult conditions and was formed to fight against internal destructive elements, to ensure law and order in civil society. Bandits strive to ensure that there is chaos, that their business goes on, and crime flourishes. But the OMON has always fought against such people, and will stand guard over the law and order of the Republic of South Ossetia, " he said.

When the need arose to defend the Fatherland from an external enemy, then at this time the riot policemen stood up as a wall.

“All the time we were at the post in the villages of Avnev, Ubiat, and our colleague Vadim Dzakhoev was also killed there. For months we were not at home, there was a barracks regime. Sometimes we went from one post to another, stood on the street in both cold and hot weather,” said Vadim Tskhovrebov.

The 2008 found Vadim Tskhovrebov at his post in the village of Tbet of Tskhinval district of South Ossetia, after which, according to him, having joined the group of Amiran Bagaev and Azamat Dzhioev (Panther), who defended the southwestern part of the city, they continued to restrain the enemy's advance.

“There were guys from different structures. There was danger at every turn, but the guys were very supportive of each other. The war is impossibly merciless, it took the lives of many of our friends and colleagues,” the commander noted with bitterness in his voice.

The tension was growing long before August 8. Fighters of the Special Purpose Militia Detachment, along with other structures, military personnel and militias, guarded the borders of their native land. Among them was the commander of a branch of a motorized rifle company, Vladimir Maldzigov.

“On August 7, we were at the post in the village of Ubiat, then there was internal between shift and we returned to work. We didn't even have time to catch our breath when the alarm was announced. We took up positions in the village of Tbet. First, we placed the LNG in the direction of the field, they fired at us from a mortar. When we saw that the tanks were moving towards the city along the main road, the guys moved towards them in order to block the path of the enemy. There was about a kilometer between us. The forces thrown towards the enemy were unequal. In those circumstances, we did everything we could,” said the fighter. It was impossible to resist the heavy Georgian artillery and tanks of several riot police with one LNG and machine guns. However, they managed to resist heavy equipment until reinforcements arrived.

“But when the enemy began to outnumber, we had to retreat, and at that moment I was wounded, I fell to the ground. My friends ran up to me, gave me first aid, and after reinforcements arrived, they sent me to the hospital. Then, when there was an opportunity to take me out of the Republic, they sent me to Vladikavkaz, and later to Moscow, where over time they put me on my feet. I want to express my deep gratitude to the guys for not leaving me and saving my life,” Vladimir said.

When asked what a person feels when facing the enemy, Vladimir Maldzigov answered without a shadow of doubt: “There was no fear, there was a desire to overcome the enemy. Having chosen such a profession, and even more so when you find yourself on the battlefield, you divide your life in two: to be or not to be "

“There is no place for fear, because in this case you will let your colleagues down too, endangering their lives. It is necessary to give support, and hoping for each other to go forward in order to fulfill the tasks facing you,” added Vadim Tskhovrebov.

It turned out to be more difficult for the brave Defenders of Ossetia to recall their experiences than to face death. Years of service strengthened the spirit and taught me to overcome the challenges of fate, remaining faithful to duty and loyal to the chosen professional path.

They wished the young generation of fighters to follow and strengthen the established traditions of an unbroken combat-ready detachment, and peace and unshakable prosperity to the people of the Republic of South Ossetia.

Of course, there was still a lot to tell. About the courage and patriotism of comrades who laid their heads on the altar of freedom of the Fatherland and how the blood runs cold and the soul hurts desperately when the loved ones die in their arms. It's hard to talk about it. All these chronicles of the war will remain behind the scenes of public knowledge, but the events and echoes of August 2008 will always stir the hearts of the true Defenders of South Ossetia.

Natural modesty and lack of vanity did not allow talking about their merits and immortal military exploits. Or rather, the fighters do not even think that they have done something supernatural or special: "We were fulfilling our military duty."

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