

Thu, 17/10/2013 - 12:21

Leonid Tibilov and Vladislav Surkov inspected the restoration of a number of facilities

Russian Presidential Aide Vladislav Surkov and South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov inspected the reconstructed facilities in Tskhinval. They were accompanied by Prime Minister Rostislav Khugaev, Deputy Prime Minister Domenty Kulmbegov, Minister of Construction Edward Dzagoev and Minister of Culture Makharbeg Kokoev. Surkov has seen the construction of a number of facilities in the center of the South Ossetian capital - the State Drama Theatre, State Museum, government buildings, sports complex by Alina Kabaeva.

Thu, 17/10/2013 - 12:08

Leonid Tibilov: South Ossetia considers the first priority to join Customs Union

In Tskhinval, under the chairmanship of the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov was held a working meeting with participation of the heads of several ministries and agencies of South Ossetia, Russian Presidential Aide Vladislav Surkov and Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Rashid Nurgaliyev.
The President has expressed the hope that with the appointment of Vladislav Surkov will continue fruitful work on socio-economic development of South Ossetia.


Tue, 15/10/2013 - 21:37

Vladislav Surkov: Russia is interested in the development of South Ossetia

Today in Tskhinval have arrived the RF Presidential Aide for cooperation with South Ossetia and Abkhazia Vladislav Surkov and Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Rashid Nurgaliyev. In the South Ossetian capital has been held a meeting with President Leonid Tibilov and members of the government.
During the meeting, the President has told about the progress of implementation of the Investment program, noting that it covered a lot of facilities and spheres.

Tue, 15/10/2013 - 21:16

Search for the Missing citizens of South Ossetia - the main theme of the meeting of the Presidential Envoy of the RSO with the head of the ICRC defense department

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of the Republic of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev has received today the head of the defense department of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Republic of South Ossetia, Anne-Celine Muara, As IA "Res" was reported at the press service of the Presidential Envoy of South Ossetia, "during the meeting they discussed issues related to searching for the South Ossetian citizens, missing since the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia in 1991 -1992 and in 2008. Noting the importance of the work to clarify the fate of persons considered to be missing, the two sides expressed their readiness for further cooperation in this matter, including in the framework of the tripartite coordination mechanism to address the issues on the missing persons."
For the South Ossetian part the meeting was also attended by Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of the Republic of South Ossetia Khokh Gagloyty and the Commissioner for Human Rights under the President of South Ossetia Inal Tasoev representing South Ossetia in the tripartite coordination mechanism.

Tue, 15/10/2013 - 18:52

A copy of the Shroud of Turin will arrive in South Ossetia

October 16, 2013 a copy of the Shroud of Turin will arrive in Tskhinval. The event is organized by the Public Fund "Revival of Orthodoxy in South Ossetia" with the assistance of the Missionary Department of Vladikavkaz and the Alanian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, said IA "Res" the Commissioner for Religious Affairs under the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Sonia Khubaeva.
According to her, the residents of South Ossetia will be given a rare opportunity to see and touch one of the copies consecrated on the original.
"The Shrine was brought to North Ossetia, but not everyone in South Ossetia could afford to travel to Vladikavkaz, therefore, every Orthodox in Tskhinval will be able to worship the shrine," - said Khubaeva.
The Holy Shroud will be exhibited on October 16 - 17.
"Access to the shrine will be available from 12:00 to 20:00. October 17 at 09:00 in front of the shrine will be served a Divine Liturgy, "-said the official.
During the event, it will be shown a film that tells about the research conducted around the Shroud.
"The belief that Jesus Christ as the God-man existed and sacrificed himself is shown in this film. For the Orthodox, it is a good material to strengthen their faith. The faith that was traditional for the Ossetians should be strengthened in our land, "- said Sonia Khubaeva.
For several centuries in the Cathedral of the Italian city of Turin is kept large linen cloth, on its yellowish- white background are blurry brown spots. From a distance one can see clear outlines of a human figure and a man's face with a beard and long hair. Tradition says that this is the Shroud of Jesus Christ. It burned three times and miraculously survived. In the middle ages it was repeatedly boiled in oil, washed to clean the soot and for being convinced of its holiness, but the image remained unimpaired.
In 1889, the Shroud was first photographed. And what a surprise it was for the photographer Secondo Pia, when on the glass of the negative was developed a striking image of Christ after the crucifixion removed from the cross. Amazing face, full of peace and transcendent greatness, though with signs of severe suffering: a high forehead with visible trickles of blood, on his hands and feet marks of the nails; bruises on his body.
Since that time has started the research phase of the study of the Shroud. It was subjected to radiocarbon analysis; experts from around the world have participated in its studying. The shroud has truly become for thousands of modern scientists as the "fifth gospel," the gospel of suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But they all agree on one thing - the Shroud is authentic and the picture on it is not the work of man.
The Shroud shows not only the crucifixion of Jesus, but also His resurrection. In a sealed cave he had just a shroud, so only it witnessed the resurrection of the Lord.
In the Jubilee years (every 25 years) in the Turin Cathedral of St. John the Baptist the Shroud for several days is available for public worship (the rest of time it is kept in a special chapel inside the cathedral in an armored ark). In 2000, the Jubilee of the birth of Christ was made a limited number of copies of the Holy Shroud, consecrated on the original.


Mon, 14/10/2013 - 20:53

South Ossetia is celebrating the Intercession of the Mother of God

South Ossetian Orthodox are celebrating today the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. In honor of the feast in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Tskhinval took place the solemn liturgy served by priests of the Alan Diocese. As the news agency "Res" was informed by the priest Jacob Khetagurov, the Intercession of the Mother of God is a great feast, instituted by the church in memory of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God in Vlaherna Church of Constantinople in the 10th century.
"This wonderful event happened in the Byzantine Empire, when Constantinople was surrounded by people of other religions. During the night service, among the believers was of one of the Scythians, the blessed Andrew Fool- for-Christ`s sake. During the prayer, he saw a walking on air the Blessed Virgin Mary, surrounded by angels and saints," - said Father Jacob.
Virgin Mary was praying for the people, and at the end of the prayer she took her headscarf off and spread it over the people.
"Then, the city sank into the thick fog, which signified the whole Christian world protection from visible and invisible enemies," - said Father Jacob.
The priest has underlined that for residents of South Ossetia this holiday is especially precious, because in August 2008 the Virgin Mary covered Tskhinval with her headscarf and saved it from the enemy.
"A few people have even seen the Virgin looking at Tskhinval from the heights, and the city was as if in a fog. Then the Virgin Mary saved us from certain death from enemy bullets, covered us with her headscarf, and we were protected. On this day, we thank the Virgin Mary for the salvation and pray to the Queen of Heaven to protect our country and us from all evil,"- said Father Jacob.
On the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God the whole family goes to church to implore the intercession of the Mother of God.

Mon, 14/10/2013 - 20:51

At a meeting of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Russian Federation was expressed full support to the leadership of South Ossetia - the RSO Parliament Speaker

Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Stanislav Kochiev called strange the speech of the deputy of the State Duma Roman Khudyakov that Russia's financial aid to the Republic must be controlled by specialists from Russia, for which under the Executive Office of the South Ossetian President should be established a special audit department.
Stanislav Kochiev has noted that at a recent meeting of the leadership of the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Russian Federation was expressed full support to the leadership of South Ossetia.
"There has not been stated any charges of expenditure against the current government. Claims have been to the previous government ", - said the Speaker.
He has added that the leadership of the Parliament of South Ossetia has been informed about the trip of members of the People's Party to Moscow, but they have no any information about the private meetings at the State Duma.
The statement about the need to toughen control over the expenditure of the Russian financial aid made a member of the State Duma Committee for CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Roman Khudyakov on October 11, after a closed meeting of the State Duma Committee for CIS Affairs "On the current political and economic situation in the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of South Ossetia."
"Under the Executive Office of the President of South Ossetia must be opened audit department, that should include experts from Russia, which would control the flow of Russian money directly to the citizens of South Ossetia," - said the deputy....


Sun, 13/10/2013 - 10:16

The first International Innovation Forum «Alania open doors» was held in Tskhinval

Tskhinval hosted the first International Innovation Forum «Alania open doors», organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of South Ossetia, together with the Academy of system analysis (Vladikavkaz) and SATA Group. The opening ceremony was attended by heads and representatives of the Ministry of Education of the Republic, Head of the Department of Informatization of the Ministry and Education and Science of North Ossetia Alania Alan Salbiev, Advisor to the Chairman of the Government of North Ossetia Alania on Innovation Nelly Pukhaeva, teachers and heads of educational institutions, government officials and others.
The heads of the Russian company "Video Technology" briefed the Forum participants on the latest technologies in the field of education, a united educational network, as well as laboratories of modern technologies and others.
At the beginning of the forum the participants were welcomed by the Minister of Education and Science of South Ossetia Marina Chibirova.
"I would like this first event of such level to be successful, productive, and, of course, not being the last," - said the Minister.
She has added that the current socio -economic changes actively affect the educational sector, and require "mobility and adequate response to the contemporary demands of society, changing stereotypes and traditional approaches."
"One of the priorities of a modern comprehensive secondary school is the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process - said Chibirova. - One of the main priorities of the sectoral programme for the development of education in South Ossetia for 2013-2017 is the development of information technologies."
On behalf of the Republic the Forum participants were welcomed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia David Sanakoev.
"Such forums are very important as the integration process of the Russian Federation and South Ossetia continues, - the minister said. - And in this case, the integration processes taking place between the North and the South Ossetia, which I hope will be developed, will be effective, for the benefit of North and South Ossetia, for the benefit of our state, which is now strengthening and developing. "
According to the rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev, significant priority in the development of the university is an innovative approach, the growth of the innovation potential of the university.
"The core of substantive changes in the university becomes innovation, the introduction into the learning process of educational , scientific, industrial and communication technologies ", - said the rector.
Then the head of the united Russian educational network Gabriel Levy said on the activities of the company.
"Today, we provide educational services in electronic form to educational institutions in 35 regions of Russia, with whom we have signed agreements - said Levy. - The signing of a similar agreement with South Ossetia and the subsequent transition of the schools to the technologies that we provide, perfectly illustrate, meet the mission of my company - to make education the most efficient and accessible to every participant of this process, for each schoolboy, teacher and parent."

Sun, 13/10/2013 - 10:15

The Ministry of Education and Science of South Ossetia and signed a Cooperation Agreement

In Tskhinval has been held a round table discussion on the subject "The sustainable development of the Republic of South Ossetia on the basis of innovation," where have been discussed the results of the International Innovation Forum «Alania open doors». The event was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of South Ossetia, together with the Academy of system analysis (Vladikavkaz) and SATA Group.
At the beginning of the round table the Minister of Education and Science of South Ossetia Marina Chibirova has noted that this forum is "a unique event."
"We witnessed a unique event for South Ossetia, and of course, each of us regards it as the first step of our entry into a unified information technology system - stressed Chibirova. - We have high hopes for this forum."
In turn, the head of the Information Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of North Ossetia Alan Salbiev noted the high interest of the citizens visiting the forum for innovative technologies and for the issues raised at the forum.
"In preparation for today's event for us it was obvious that the theme of innovation, development, has become overripe in South Ossetia - noted Salbiev. I'll be happy if today's event is the first step to be followed by further successful development. "
On the plans for the development of innovative technologies in the South- Ossetian State University told rector of South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev.
"We intend to publish our own newspaper in Ossetian and Russian languages, to create a video studio, planning to use digital technologies in all areas of the university."
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic David Sanakoev has noted that using of innovation technologies in the Republic is irreversible.
"I want to thank all the organizers of the Forum for applying so much efforts and energy the forum to be held in Tskhinval, for introducing advanced technologies in the field of education," - said Sanakoev .
In turn, the head of the Russian company "Video Technology" Maxim Frolov also noted the fruitful work of the innovation forum.
" It was very interesting to listen to the questions, opinions of visitors of the forum - said Frolov. – I am very pleased with the interest of the citizens in innovative technologies. I wish there were more communication."
At the end of the round table Minister of Education and Science of South Ossetia Marina Chibirova and leader of the united Russian educational network Gabriel Levy signed a Cooperation Agreement.


Sat, 12/10/2013 - 09:25

Over the past week border guards of South Ossetia detained nine infiltrators

Over the past week, officers of the Border Control Agency of the FSB of Russia in South Ossetia detained 8 violators of the state border regime near the village of Artsev in Tskhinval district and one violator of the border regime was detained near the village of Balta, Znaur district.
As IA "Res" has been reported at the press service of the Russian FSB Border Control Agency, for further proceedings the detainees were handed over to the Border Service of the KGB of South Ossetia.
"Also, the border guards supervising the state border near the village of Artsev, while examining the abandoned building, discovered a cache in which there were two cartridges of the Kalashnikov submachine gun and more than fifty 5.45 mm caliber bullets. The discovered ammunition was on the spot handed over to the officers of the EMERCOM of the Republic ", - told the representative of the Border Control Agency.
Also, from September 27 to October 11, the KGB Border Service was considering the cases against nine persons.
"One of them is a citizen of South Ossetia detained in Znaur district and 8 people detained by the border guards on October 10 near the village of Artsev", - said the KGB official.
He has noted that three citizens of South Ossetia from among the eight citizens detained the day before near the village of Artsev were fined 2,000 rubles by court decision of Tskhinval district.
Two of them, presumably the citizens of Georgia, at the time of detention were without documents, their identity is being established. The three other citizens of South Ossetia are under investigation. The citizen of South Ossetia detained in Znaur district was verbally warned by court decision.
