
Alan Gigolaev: mixed martial arts fighter should be brave and cool

15/09/2012 - 10:44

September 15 the Ossetian athlete Alan Gigolaev will defend his title of Georgia (USA) in mixed martial arts in the weight category up to 70 kilograms. Before the title fight Gigolaev told the correspondent of IA "Res" in detail about the upcoming bout, mixed martial arts trainings.

Even in Belgium Ossetians do not lose touch with their historical Native land

12/08/2011 - 09:31

In the mourning days devoted to the August war of 2008, the chairman of the International noncommercial Association «Renaissance Saendidzaen» Radion Pukhaev arrived in the RSO. In his interview to the correspondent of the news agency "Res" the head of the organization has told about the purpose of his visit, activity and his further plans.

- Radion, is your organization registered officially in the public authorities of Belgium (how it is called, where and when it is registered)?

- Our organization «Renaissance Saendidzaen» - is registered, and what is much important, it is the international organization. We were registered in 2009 and, certainly, the events of August, 2008 in South Ossetia promoted activization. We were organizing meeting, we tried to defend our point of view against interpretation of these events which prevailed not only in Belgium, but also in the West. I`d like to make an example. We have organized an exhibition; one Belgian journalist has come in and was amazed at what he had seen. «Why in Georgia there are no so large-scale destructions as in Ossetia», - he has asked. I gave him a book about the August events of 2008 in South Ossetia. He said that he would try to write about it through the blogs. I think, we have been right to do it -we should make ourselves known and should not expect for momentary results.

The problems of refugees and the displaced persons have been gradually resolving in the RSO

05/08/2011 - 16:43

The problem of socio-economic integration of refugees and the displaced persons is one of the most important in our Republic for today. It is a problem of vital importance, which has to be solved in the near future. The head of the department of social support of refugees at the Ministry of health and social development Kazbek Karsanov has informed the news agency «Res» about the state of affairs in this sphere.

News agency "Res": What is the quantity of refugees and the displaced persons from villages of the Republic during the Georgian aggression? What are their conditions of life?

- Today the quantity of refugees and the displaced persons is 3600 men. The majority of them has received this status in the nineties, the others- in 2008-2009. The stream of refugees does not stop, though, it is less than before. Unfortunately, the conditions of life have changed a little. Basically they live in the same public centres. Really, people live in bad conditions; we help them, as we can. But I hope that in the near future the situation will start to change for the better.

Boris Attoev: The special services of Georgia stand behind the all acts of terror in South Ossetia

08/05/2011 - 15:55

The Chairman of the Committee for State Security of the RSO Boris Attoev in his interview IA "Res" has told about the subversive activity of the Georgian special services against South Ossetia, the destructive forces in the Republic and cooperation of the south-ossetian special services with the foreign colleagues

What are the methods and the activity of the Georgian special services against South Ossetia?

First of all, on the eve of the holiday – the Day of the Great Victory, I would like to congratulate our veterans and all our society. All those people, who brought closer the victory in that great fight of our people for liberty, I wish them health, welfare and long years of life. As to the activity of the Georgian special services, it is aimed at destabilization of the situation in the Republic of South Ossetia. Even on the eve of the war in August 2008 the special services of Georgia have conducted several terrorist acts on the territory of South Ossetia, in the result of which the innocent people, including teenagers, perished. At the same time, for the reason of persuading our citizens to cooperate with them, they used blackmail, involved them in smuggling, planted drugs and false money on people. These methods are being used by them up to the present time. All the citizens of the RSO, regardless, if they are found on the territory of Georgia lawfully or not, are being observed attentively by the Georgian special services. They undergo psychological pressure for getting the information on military objects in the RSO, on political situation. The Special services make provocations for attracting people to the secret cooperation. Unfortunately, the analysis of the acts of terror in the RSO proves that the Georgian special services also attracted the citizens of the RSO to their activity. At the same time I would like to remind you that our legislation enables the discharge of criminal responsibility on the article 205 (the terrorism) and 275 (the high treason) of the Criminal code, in case of voluntary appearance of a person, cooperated with the foreign special services, forces and promoted prevention of the act of terror and wrecking of the reconnaissance actions, directed on violating safety in the Republic.

Georgy Kabisov: Rapid and reliable information should promptly reach the reader

23/07/2010 - 16:58

Today, on 23 July, is the 104th anniversary of the first Ossetian newspaper "Iron gazet". The Chairman of the State Committee for information, communication and media of the Republic of South Ossetia told journalists about the problems and perspectives of the work in this sector.

- 23 July is annually celebrated as the Day of Media in our Republic. Taking into account the recent tragedy killing our compatriots, we decided to postpone the event for a later date. I am running dew steps forward to say that we will be celebrating our media holiday wider and wider every year. Because, the contribution of journalists into the development of our Republic is immense, and so far, this input has not found due appreciation. This year, due to the reasons I have mentioned, we decided to limit the events only to the official part, that is to awarding of media representatives with state awards.

Elbrus Kargiev: “Much, if not everything, depends on the leadership of South Ossetia”

15/06/2009 - 09:25

The Ambassador Extraordinary of the Russian Federation in the Republic of South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev told IA RES about the domestic and foreign policy of Russia and economic and political situation in South Ossetia.
– On 12 June, the Day of Russia is celebrated. What would you like to tell about Russia, its domestic and foreign policy?

Informational Agency RES held a press-conference in Tskhinval. The RSO President Eduard Kokoity answered journalists’ questions

24/04/2009 - 11:05

The population of both South Ossetia and North Ossetia is very much concerned about the events happening now in Georgia, the protest rallies. However, the leadership of Georgia is trying to differently interpret the events, as if it were Russia’s starting up some actions against Georgia. Nothing of the kind is taking place, the situation is stable, said RSO President Eduar Kokoity commenting the current developments in South Ossetia.
”There is a will of certain circles to destabilize the not only because of events in Georgia, but also due to our own pre-election campaign. Therefore, I would like to address all inhabitants of North and South Ossetia to remain calm. Presently, the armed forces of Georgia are unable to resist neither the armed forces of South Ossetia nor to the military contingent of the RF in SO. Therefore, I consider it senseless to have this kind of concerns.

Boris Chochiev: The Position of Human Rights Organizations is Unclear

24/04/2009 - 11:00

The IA RES had published a video record proving that three citizens of South Ossetia were abducted by Georgian law enforcement bodies, however no reaction from international human rights organizations followed.
Boris Chochiev, Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement:
It has been already four day and there is no reaction from international human rights organizations. Meanwhile, the video record gives a clear evidence that the South Ossetian citizens were captured by Georgian special services and these three persons were subjected to torture
Unfortunately, the policy of double standards tends to prevail in the activities of the EU and OSCE observers in the areas bordering with South Ossetia, where the abducted people were initially kept. Today, we know nothing about their fate and there are no guarantees that it there will be any clarification.
