The president of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a session to discuss issues related to security and protection of the state borderline of the Republic of South Ossetia. Representatives of the RF Border-guard service and law enforcement and defense structures, as well as heads of administrations attended the session.
The participants discussed further steps aimed at security and protection of the Republic's state border. The Chief of the RF FSB Border-Guard Department in South Ossetia Alexander Murzin reported on the situation at the borderline and the activities of the Department. He emphasized that the situation at the borderline was controllable.
"From April 2009 until know, the Russian border-guards detained 161 persons for illegal border-crossing", said Murzin. In the session, issues related to coordination of joint border protection and security measures were raised, including the necessity to adopt normative acts regulating the procedures for crossing of the state border. "The absence of any legal bases regulating the crossing of the state border of South Ossetia with Georgia complicates the work of border-guards", said Murzin.
"Currently, the crossing of the state border of South Ossetian with Georgia is maintained in accordance with some historically evolved practices, but is not set forth in any documents", said the Chief of the Border-Guard Department. "The existing law on the state border only contains a wording that the border-crossing procedure is regulated in accordance with existing legislature, that is all. The draft law of the new law on the state border under the consideration of the Parliament identifies the structures assigned to issue the normative acts, including those on the border-crossing procedure, and the procedure is to be set by the government. The draft has not yet gone through the second reading." Alexadner Murzin noted that the various technical means were used to increase the quality of border protection. "At South Ossetia's state border with Georgia, practically all technical means available to the Border-Guard Service of the Russian Federation will be used", stated Murzin.
Alexander Murzin pointed to the importance to construct the lower road to Leningor district (there are two vrians under consideration for the construction of the road). "Taking into account the importance of ensuring protection of the state border, it is necessary to go back to the discussion of the construction of the so-called lower road, from the village of Dmenis to Leningor. This road would ensure connection between Leningor district and the central part of South Ossetia throughout the year. The construction of this road would help strengthen the statehood and integrity of South Ossetia", underscored Murzin.
In his turn Eduard Kokoity stated that only the lower variant of the road is acceptable for the Republic. "We are categorically against of the construction of the former road from Tskhinval to Leningor. The RF Ministry for Regional Development should take into account the opinion of South Ossetia and adopt a new plan. The new, the so-called lower road is more convenient and shorter, it covers several villages, and what is also important, it is less expensive", stated the president.
The president underlined that in case the opinion of South Ossetia is not taken into account, there will be no authorization for the construction. Based on the results of the session, Eduard Kokoity tasked the heads of relevant structures to elaborate a set of necessary measures aimed at eliminating the legal vacuum in the aspects related to borderline security, and to prepare proposals on South Ossetia's policy in regards to its borderline in compliance with its current foreign and domestic policies.