The representatives of South Ossetia arrived in Jászság, Hungary

Wed, 08/08/2012 - 17:13

Delegation of representatives of the South Ossetian intelligentsia headed by a candidate of philology, docent Mira Tskhovrebova arrived in the city of Yasbereny (Jászság, Region, Republic of Hungary).
Several meetings have been held with representatives of the intelligentsia, during which they discussed issues of scientific and cultural cooperation.

Representatives of South Ossetia visited the museum of the city of Yasbereny, where they met with the museum director Edith Batho and the public figures. Edith Batho gave details about the museum, about the history of Jászság, traditions and customs of the Jassic people, the glorious figures of the past. South Ossetian guests were shown the priceless historical relics, including the famous Horn of Lehel, by which the Jassic tribal chief, according to the legend, killed the German Emperor.
During the meeting were discussed the important issues. It was stated again that the Ossetian and Hungarian languages, which the Jassic people had been speaking since XV century, had close analogy; this fact requires a detailed study using modern scientific methods. Edith Batho presented to representatives of South Ossetia a valuable academic edition "My Motherland - Jászság", issued by the well-known scholars and public figures.
Modern historians consider that the Jassic people settled in Hungary in 1239, or more precisely, after 1241, together with the Polovtsians. This date was also mentioned by I. Dyarfash. His view is shared by all the Hungarian researchers. Since 1239, in the manuscripts are mentioned only the Polovtsians; the Jassic people are first mentioned only in 1318 under the name "yazonikus." They settled in the territory of the tribes of Saltovo-Mayatsky culture during the invasion of the Huns in 350, and before that they had been living in Kangu. The Hungarian Jassic people language had close similarity to the Ossetian language, which, in turn, is the result of mixing of the Alans and the Jassic people languages.
South Ossetian delegation has arrived in Hungary at the invitation of the Mayor of the city of Yasbereny Dr. Szabo Tamas.

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