South Ossetia and Russia signed the Treaty on Alliance and Integration

Wed, 18/03/2015 - 20:41

South Ossetia and Russia signed the Treaty on Alliance and integration. The treaty was signed by presidents - Leonid Tibilov and Vladimir Putin during a meeting in Moscow.
"Assessing the significance of the Treaty on alliance and integration between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation we can say without any exaggeration that this document is of strategic scale and historical significance ", - said Leonid Tibilov after the signing ceremony.

According to him, the Treaty not just specifies the basic provisions of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2008, but also extends legal framework structure, indicating a new level of relations.
"The Ossetian-Russian relations have a long history. The first Ossetian embassy, which represented both North and South Ossetia, carried out its mission in St. Petersburg in mid XYIII century, when other major powers were not yet on the political map of the world. But it is the first time the relationship between the two countries gained a qualitative level, "- said the President of South Ossetia.
The Treaty enshrines the status of an ally of the Russian Federation and the formation of a common defense space for RSO provides the highest possible guarantees of state sovereignty and security, strengthening the international positions, promoting recognition of the independence of the Republic and the prospects for sustainable socio-economic development.
"The signed treaty fully reflects the high level of mutual trust between the parties and full confidence in our partnership, providing bilaterally to citizens of both countries to abolish the restrictions imposed by law in respect of foreigners and people with dual citizenship," - said the President of South Ossetia.
He has stressed that the Treaty between Russia and South Ossetia is another evidence of the commitment of the Russian Federation to the fundamental principles of international law in relations between states.
"Russia's policy does not accept double standards and is based on respect for the sovereignty of any country, regardless of its size, economic or military power." - the president said.
Sharing the principled stand of Russia in almost all the substantive issues, South Ossetia will strictly follow not only the letter but also the spirit of the Treaty of Alliance and Integration with Russia, all its commitments.
"The alliance with Russia is a historical choice of South Ossetia. This choice has a solid foundation and deep roots, "- said the President of South Ossetia.
He invited his Russian counterpart to visit South Ossetia September 20 on the Republic Day celebrations.

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