Airstrikes on Syrian infrastructure are fraught with escalation of tension in the region - South Ossetian Foreign Ministry

Fri, 13/10/2023 - 21:33

Israeli airstrikes on Syrian infrastructure are fraught with a further escalation of tension in the region, the South Ossetian Foreign Ministry said on Friday, commenting on the situation around еру Palestinian-Israeli relations.

On October 12, the Israeli Air Force launched strikes on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, as a result of which the runways of Damascus and Aleppo international airports were damaged.

“Against the backdrop of a sharp deterioration of the situation around the Gaza Strip and еру Palestinian-Israeli relations in general, which resulted in numerous casualties, including among the civilians, airstrikes on the infrastructure of neighboring states are fraught with a further escalation of tension in the region,” the statement of the South Ossetian Foreign Ministry reads.

The Foreign Ministry has expressed confidence that there is no alternative to political and diplomatic methods of resolving existing contradictions on an international legal basis.

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