South Ossetian State University and the Armavir Pedagogical University signed a cooperation agreement in Tskhinval

Mon, 13/05/2024 - 23:23

In Tskhinval. the South Ossetian State University and the Armavir State Pedagogical University signed an agreement on interaction and cooperation

The document was signed by rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev and the head of the Armavir Pedagogical University Evgeny Nizhnik.

Evgeniy Nizhnik expressed gratitude to rector of the South Ossetian State University “for the invitation to one of the main universities of the North Caucasus.”

“By signing the memorandum and agreement, I would like our scientists and students to interact with each other every day,” Nizhnik said.

He has noted that the universities are facing the most important tasks. .

“This is a search and publication of the results of ethnographic research, cultural ties that exist between our peoples and that last for centuries,” Nizhnik has emphasized. - We have a large number of materials and methods that could be very useful for teachers and educators in South Ossetia. We would love to share it."

He donated the book “History of Armavir and the Circassians” to the university library.

Vadim Tedeev spoke about the activities of the South Ossetian State University, noting that the university pays great attention to international activities and cooperation.

“Your university will be the 75th with which we have signed an agreement, starting with the Lomonosov Moscow State University,” Tedeev said. “In fact, there is not a single leading university in the Russian Federation with which we have not signed agreements.”

The rector also presented the guest with a silver coin issued by the National Bank of South Ossetia.

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