
Tue, 01/08/2017 - 12:27

Syria: concrete steps against empty words

The tragic news came from the Syrian Arab Republic last weekend. On Sunday, July 30, the correspondent of the television channel Russia Today, Khalid al-Khatib, was killed as a result of shelling by the militants in the area of ​​Sukhna in the east of the province of Homs during the information coverage of the operation of the Syrian army against the militants IGIL *. His colleague, the operator of the TV channel RT, was also wounded.



Wed, 26/07/2017 - 13:47

Murat Dzhioev: "Such Georgian actions mean that their organizers recognize the reality of the existence of the border between Georgia and South Ossetia"

Murat Dzhioev: "Such Georgian actions mean that their organizers recognize the reality of the existence of the border between Georgia and South Ossetia"

As reported by the "Caucasian Knot", from now on "Georgian activists" begin patrolling the border of Georgia with South Ossetia on the Karapila-Bershuti  sector. This is in the area of ​​the South Ossetian village of Amdzarin in the Leningor district. What can this Georgian action mean, commented the Plenipotentiary Presidential Envoy of the RSO for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev.


Mon, 24/07/2017 - 18:37

Europe does not know the truth, Russia did not occupy the territory of Georgia, - representative of South Ossetia in Italy Mauro Murgia

According to the representative of South Ossetia in Italy, Mauro Murgia, Europeans think that Georgians in South Ossetia are oppressed. This Murgia told journalists at the press center of Sputnik South Ossetia.
"Recently I have visited Leningor district of South Ossetia and saw that Georgians live in the Republic peacefully, and no one terrorizes or oppresses them," he said. "Europe does not know the truth; Russia has not occupied the territory of Georgia."
Mauro Murgia has stressed that the friendship between South Ossetia and Italy is of immense political importance.




Tue, 11/07/2017 - 22:14

No one is interested in escalation of tension on the border, - Murat Dzhioev

Since the last meeting in the MPRI format, 28 people have been detained, of which 15 are citizens of Georgia, told journalists the South Ossetian Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev after the meeting in the framework of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRM).
The meeting took place in the village of Ergneti.
According to him, many citizens violate the border by lack of information.


Mon, 10/07/2017 - 21:01

Some aspects of the South Ossetian-Russian relations

The newest period of South Ossetian-Russian relations began, unfortunately, with tragic pages of the history of South Ossetia.
In 1991, Georgia launched open military aggression against South Ossetia. Taking advantage of South Ossetia's lack of access to the central mass media of the Soviet Union, the Georgian authorities succeeded in creating an image of "South Ossetian separatists", although it is absurd to call separatists those people who do not want to leave their state.
