

Mon, 17/09/2012 - 11:42

South Ossetia will present the investment projects at the forum in Sochi

An official delegation of South Ossetia will participate in the XI International Investment Forum to be held in Sochi on September 20-23.
As the Head of the Social and Economic Planning of the Ministry of Economic Development of South Ossetia Inna Grunvald reported IA "Res" South Ossetia would present two innovative investment projects.


Sun, 16/09/2012 - 12:51

A boxing evening will be held in the capital of South Ossetia

A boxing evening will be held in Tskhinval. As the news agency "Res" has been informed by a member of the Boxing Federation of South Ossetia, the honored coach of South Ossetia Vitaly Slanov, "the event is scheduled for October 12, 2012. The tournament is held to promote further development of boxing in our Republic, the healthy lifestyle, physical education and sport".



Thu, 13/09/2012 - 21:40

Karateka from South Ossetia won the bronze medal at the All-Russian Youth Games of martial arts

Karateka Christina Zhuravleva finished third at the Kyokushinkai karate competitions, which are being held these days within the frames of the V-th Open All-Russian Youth Games of martial arts in Anapa. As IA "Res" has been informed by the head coach of the Kyokushin-Kan Karate Federation of South Ossetia Vladimir Sozaev, "Zhuravleva held three matches. She has won two of them, and one lost with insignificant advantage to her opponent and eventually won a bronze medal "- said Sozaev.
