

Mon, 19/05/2008 - 16:52

On 20 May in Ossetia will commemorate a nation-wide mourning day of the victims of Georgian aggression

Today, on 19 May RSO Government held a meeting devoted to conducting of measures on nation-wide mourning day. The sitting was held by the President State adviser Zhanna Zasseeva.
«20 May 11:11 – Nation-wide silence minute. Ceremonial measures will start at 10:00 with placing of flowers and candles at the memorial of Georgian aggression in the school № 5 yard. Then after mothers and relatives of the decedents together with the Government and Parliament representatives, representatives of public and youth organizations will set off to Zar village to hold a mourning meeting at the innocent victims monument»-said Zhanna Zasseeva.

Mon, 19/05/2008 - 14:01

RSO President Fduard Kokoity held a meeting with the Heads of Ministries and departments

Today the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with the Heads of Ministries and departments. The questions of internal policy and realization of main State administrative and economic projects have been discussed. During the conference the President focused on the Government’s work on control for accepted decisions and implementation of the President’s instructions.


Wed, 14/05/2008 - 13:49

Eduard Kokoity met with the chiefs of RSO power structures

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia met with the Heads of RSO power structures, political parties and mass media. In the course of the meeting developed over Republic situation has been discussed. «Georgian side chose another form of aggression against our State. All this is connected with the perspectives to be realized at the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia»-said the president.


Mon, 12/05/2008 - 16:48

South Ossetian delegation will participate hearings at Europarliament

The delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia leaves today for Brussels to participate Europarliament hearings on the situation over RSO. The delegation is headed by the South Ossetia’s Plenipotentiary representative to Russia Dmitry Medoev. The delegation composes of youth organisations representatives and political blocks.

Mon, 12/05/2008 - 15:54

Georgian Government bans learning native tongue for Ossetian children

In October 2006 the Ministry of Education of the Republic of South Ossetia by the request of located in Tbilisi NGO «Association of Ossetians in Georgia» transferred gratis a large amount of Ossetian language textbooks for Ossetian children from the Ossetian families living in Georgia to learn their native language. This was informed to «Res» correspondent by the head of informational and analytical center of JCC South Ossetian part Inal Pliev. Directors of Georgian schools supported the idea.


Wed, 07/05/2008 - 16:12

In Tskhinval eventuated meeting with the Great Patriotic War veterans

In the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia-Tskhinval eventuated a meeting of the Great Patriotic War veterans with the town mayor’s office direction. Tskhinval’s mayor Robert Guliev congratulated veterans with the oncoming Great Victory holiday. The mayor expressed his gratitude to all who passed with honor Great Patriotic War.
«Suffering enormous losses you achieved victory for the whole mankind and destroyed the concept of fascism existed in 20 century. Today our task is to provide you with all necessary to lead a restful life. Thank you for everything you have done. The leadership of the Republic of South Ossetia, Tskhinval mayor’s office will do everything possible to keep you involved in our Republic’s public life»-said Robert Guliev.

Wed, 07/05/2008 - 16:10

Tarzan Kokoity: «There is good reason to think that Georgia is going to solve the problem of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by force»

In connection with aggravated last time situation over South Ossetia and Abkhazia IA «Res» correspondent interviewed the deputy of RSO Parliament Chairman Tarzan Kokoity.
«We are seriously concerned about the Georgia’s intention to launch full-scale military operation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. There is good reason to think that Georgia is going to solve the problem of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by force. The point is that Georgia has no any grounds for the legal resolution of our problem.


Tue, 06/05/2008 - 14:20

OSCE Mission delegation’s visit to South Ossetia

Today OSCE Mission delegation visited the Republic of South Ossetia. Among the guests Director of OSCE secretariat conflict prevention centre Mr. Herbert Zalber, Head of OSCE Mission to Georgia Mrs. Terhi Hakala, Executive Adviser of the Head of Mission Mr. Mathew Goodstein, Senior military representative of OSCE Mission to Georgia Mr. Steven Yang and acting Head of Tskhinval OSCE Mission Hekki Lekhtonen.


Mon, 05/05/2008 - 17:16

Vladimir Ivanov: «It is rather bewildering in what way a cluster of foreign guests end up at the South Ossetian territory»

On 3 May 2008 at 12.30 four unrecognized persons dressed in civilian clothing were noticed in the vicinity of JPKF RNO-A «Gromi» post and later were transmitted to the JPKF observation post for the ascertainment of their intentions in the conflict zone. This was informed to «Res» correspondent by the assistant of JPKF commander in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone on links with media captain Vladimir Ivanov.
«To investigate the fact of their whereabouts the JPKF military observers from the three sides immediately conducted a monitoring together with the OSCE Mission representatives. The monitoring group established that the personnel of JPKF observation post acted in accordance with the mandate»-said Ivanov.
