

Fri, 08/06/2007 - 09:20

The Georgian side continues the blockade

Yesterday the Georgian side did not allowed the observers of the Mission of OSCE and the south-ossetian side to carrying out of the next monitoring. Thus, two more sites of the sluice Edis-Dzhava on the territory, controllable by the Georgian side, still remain without repair works.

Fri, 08/06/2007 - 09:19

A control start-up of water will be made today

At 17:30pm a control start-up of water will be made on the sluice Edis-Dzhava for checking the quality of the repair works made. The mayor of the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia, Tskhinval, Robert Guliev has informed about it.

Fri, 08/06/2007 - 09:16

The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF

On June, 6th, 2007 a monitoring on the route Tskhinval - Mugut - Dvani - Tskhinval was held by the group of military observers from the three parties and the the representatives of the Mission of OSCE, with the purpose of checking of the information on the engineering works, that were underway in the area of the settlement Dvani.


Thu, 07/06/2007 - 09:50

Boris Chochiev: «The behaviour of Mr. Antadze causes bewilderment, and his categorical and frankly misinforming messages do not promote to positive process»

The co-chairman of the Georgian part of JCC Merab Antadze has sent a letter to the co-chairmen of JCC with the offer to hold a working meeting of JCC in the nearest future, in which it is told, that the Georgian party « expresses extreme concern » in connection with the situation, that has developed as itself in the zone of the conflict with South Ossetia, so in the adjoining it areas of Georgia. In this connection the correspondent of «Res» has addressed the co-chairman of the south-ossetian part of JCC Boris Chochiev.


Wed, 06/06/2007 - 09:22

Tskhinval has again undergone shelling from grenade cup discharges

In the night from June, 4th, for June, 5th the northern outskirts of the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia,Tskhinval, has undergone shelling from grenade cup discharges. The press-service of the Ministry of Defence and emergency situations of the Republic of South Ossetia informs about it. The aimless shelling on the inhabited quarters of the town was conducted from the direction of the Georgian village Tamarasheni. There are no victims or wounded.
At present the group of monitoring, consisting of the military observers of JPKF and the representatives of the Mission of OSCE, works at the place of shelling.

Wed, 06/06/2007 - 09:20

The inhabitant of Tskhinval is kidnapped in the Georgian village Ergneti

Today, at 9:12am, in the immediate vicinity of the border of South Ossetia Republic with Georgia, in the Georgian village Ergneti, at the illegally placed post of the power structures of Georgia the inhabitant of Tskhinval, a taxi driver Chermen Dzhagaev, has been kidnapped. The press-service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia Republic informs about it.
«Chermen Dzhagaev, having driven to the border on a motor vehicle VAZ 2107, has been kidnapped by people in military form. After the three unknown persons have sat down near Dzhagaev, one of whom has seized him by a throat, the car has left towards Georgia», they have noted at the press-service. The Joint Staff of JPKF and the Mission of OSCE are notified of the fact of kidnapping.

Wed, 06/06/2007 - 09:18

The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict

In connection with absence of water supply a critical ecological situation has occurred in Tskhinval. The threat of occurrence of various infectious diseases among the population is created. At the same time the Georgian side continues interfering with the carrying out of the repair works on restoration of the sluice.
For carrying out of the rehabilitation works on the sluice, the command of JPKF offers the parties the opportunity of allocation of their forces and means.
