
The layout of the RSO territory planning to be discussed in Tskhinval

01/03/2011 - 15:39

A round table "Implementation of the territory planning layout and the plan of socio-economic development of South Ossetia – guaranty of successfully laid foundation of the Republic's statehood" will take place today in the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia, Tskhinval.
The activity will be organized by the South Ossetian branch office of the Institute of Eurasia Studies and the Republican party "Edinstvo".

More than 300 million roubles will be assigned for children institutions

28/02/2011 - 19:05

More than 300 million roubles will be given for construction and capital repairs of children institutions in social sphere. As the Head of Press-service of the President and the Government of South Ossetia Vyacheslav Sedov said to the IA «Res», this sum would be assigned for the purposes within the frames of the Investment program for assistance the socio-economic development of South Ossetia in 2011.
It is planned to make a thorough repairs of three city kindergartens, to carry out the project and construction of a kindergarten in Java. The thorough repairs have also been planned in two secondary schools in Tskhinval.
«A new school will be constructed in Khetagurovo, too»,-informed Sedov.

Eduard Kokoity: The Investment Program Envisages Everything That Is Necessary for the Development of South Ossetia

28/02/2011 - 17:22

The activities of the Inter-Governmental Commission for Socio-Economic Cooperation between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation marks the transition to the new stage in the relations between the two states, and this will help avoid past unfavorable criticism in relation to the implementation of the complex plan of the Republic's rehabilitation, stated the South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity at the press-briefing in Vladikavkaz following the third session of the Inter-Governmental Commission. "The Inter-Governmental Commission is based on parity approach. South Ossetian and Russian sides are equally represented in the Commission. All sites needed for social and economic development of South Ossetia are envisaged within the Investment Program", noted the President.
He expressed his belief that the next session of the Commission to be held in South Ossetia, would bring certain results.

The war in August 2008.The eye-witnesses are telling. Rudik Gagloev

28/02/2011 - 17:17

Gagloev Rudik Soslanovich, 1960. Citizen of Tskhinval.
The War in August 2008 has brought our people much troubles and miseries. Within the seventh and eighth of August 2008 at night, when started the war, I was at home with my wife and my little child. The first blasts have thundered at 12 o'clock of the night. We came down into the cellar, I thought that we would wait some time, and the fire would subside. The Georgians periodically had been firering South Ossetia, provoking us on return actions. But this time the situation turned out otherwise. The terrifying blasts have been hearing. My daughter was crying, she did not understand what was occurring.

IA "RES" was approached by a farmer complaining about the regional officials

25/02/2011 - 17:34

Heavy snowfalls affect the farmers of South Ossetia. IA "RES" was approached by the head of the farm-house "Afsati" in Tskhinval district, Fsati Khatsirti, who informed that the roof of his 28 cattle-heads' accommodating cattle-shed had collapsed under the pressure of snow bulk. However, the regional officials would not react to his appeal for assistance.
"By my own efforts I managed to build a temporary awning for them, so the cattle are not contained in the open. I asked the regional administration's agriculture department to help me draw up a report about the collapse of the roof of his cattle-shed, but they refused to comply with my request",- said Khatsirti.

Valery Yakhnovets: People of South Ossetia have to be confident, that one will defend them

25/02/2011 - 13:58

Today in South Ossetia two holidays are celebrating at the same time: the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland and also the celebration of the eighteen years since the day of the creation of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of South Ossetia.
In his interview to the IA "Res" the Minister of Defense of RSO Valery Yakhnovets has told about the issues and tasks of the defense department, as well as about the plans of development of the Armed forces.

The formation of our Armed forces had a specific way, considering the situation, threatening for that moment. It` not easy for me to tell of the exact ways of that processes, I can judge about them only by the telling of people, but the fact is, that the Ministry of Defense was created in August 2008, and owing to its arrangement and readiness, made a contribution to the achievement of the victory.
However, during its 18-year existence the Ministry of Defense, in principle, did not create the corresponding infrastructures for the armed forces. That is to say, that there is no points of constant dislocation, corresponding to the charter of the barracks, parking zone and modern technology.

The War in August 2008. The eye-witnesses are telling. Nelli Dzhagaeva

25/02/2011 - 13:52

Dzhagaeva Nelli Gerasimovna, 1970 r., a citizen of Tskhinval.
It is impossible to forget the events of August 2008. The terrifying pictures of the aggressor’s brutality and the burdens, which have fallen to our people` lot during the whole period of Georgian aggression, are all time before our eyes.

Kosta Dzugaev: Civil Society Is An Important Factor in the Life of the Republic

25/02/2011 - 11:59

Public organizations played a significant role since the very declaration of the Republic of South Ossetia, said Kosta Dzugaev, the state advisor to the South Ossetian president, in his interview. "My generation", he reminded "very well remembers the activeness of NGOs in early 90s. Then, by mid-90s, new organizations were created and developed with the funding from Western partners.

Intergovernmental commission to discuss the issues of implementation of the investment program in South Ossetia

24/02/2011 - 18:37

The third meeting of the Intergovernmental commission for socio-economic cooperation between the Republic of South Ossetia and Russian Federation will take place on 25 February in Vladikavkaz. According to the RSO presidential and governmental press-service, the meeting participants will hear out the information of the South-Ossetian side on the authorized republican body in charge of cooperation with the ministry of regional development of RF for implementation of the approved investment program for promotion of the socio-economic development of RSO for 2011.

Inter-Governmental Commission Session to Take Place in Vladikavkaz

24/02/2011 - 18:05

The third session of the Inter-Governmental Commission for Socio-Economic Cooperation between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation is scheduled for 25 February in Vladikavkaz, reported the Minister for Economic Development of South Ossetia Konstantin Koliev. According to him, the session would focus on the preparation for the implementation of the Investment Program of Socio-Economic Development of South Ossetia that was approved at the second session of the Inter-Governmental Commission on 30 November 2010 in Tskhinval. "The documentation that is under preparation for the start of funding for the Investment program is to be considered. It is also planned to adopt priority lists for the sites and discussion of the form of control over the implementation of the investment program suggested by the Russian Federation", informed the Minister.
