The promise not to use force voiced by the Georgian President Saakashvili at Munich Security Conference cannot be taken seriously without a corresponding agreement with international guarantees signed, the South Ossetian Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Pliev told IA RES commenting on the speech of the Georgian leader at Munich Security Conference. "Saakashvili is trying to promise in words what South Ossetia, with mediation of the OSCE, the Russian Federation and other parties concerned, is calling for through reinforcing it in a written agreement, namely, to sign a document with non-sue of force commitments. Only this kind of an agreement with international guarantees might be taken seriously, but not the promises of the Georgian leader, taking into account the fact that his address with a call for peace on the eve of 8 August, 20008, was followed with the massive shelling of Tskhinval and Georgian aggression against South Ossetia", said Pliev.