RSO NGOs had discussed the role of the third sector in informing international community about the August aggression by Georgia

Thu, 12/02/2009 - 16:05

For the first time after the August aggression, representatives of NGOs met at NGO Resource Center. The meeting was devoted to the role of NGOs in informing international community about the events in South Ossetia. "We should continue our work as we used to work after the August tragedy. We achieved a huge breakthrough in the informational blockade. It is not a secret that exchange of information is extremely important nowadays," mentioned Lira Tskhovrebova, Director of Association of Women of SO for Democracy and Human Rights.
More than 20 representatives of different NGOs were present at the meeting. Some of them had a number of overseas visits after the August attack by Georgia against South Ossetia in order to tell the population of the visited states the objective information about the events in RSO.
Lira Tskhovrebova informed the forum about the idea to organize an NGO conference where complete information on the achievements of the visit abroad would be voiced. Additionally, an idea of creating a bilingual web-page with the same kind of information has been also expressed.
The meeting participants continued with telling about their experience and their meetings during the visits abroad. It is worth mentioning that the territory covered by these visits is vast – from Eurasia to North America.

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