On 20 May, the fifth round of the Geneva discussions on security in the Caucasus finished. The meetings were conducted in two groups: on security and on humanitarian issues. The discussions focused on one issue – security and guarantees of non-use of force by Georgia against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. According to the Head South Ossetian Delegation, the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement, Boris Chochiev, it is problematic to demand any guarantees from the people who militarized Georgia and took part in the aggression.
“But, taking into consideration Russia’s recognition of our independence, the pressure Russia is exposed to by the international community and the information war unfolded in August 2008, our goal is to continue persuading the international communitu that it was not Russia’s aggression against Georgia, but the aggression committed by Georgia against peaceful population of South Osseitawith the support of many states, that is, the goal is call things with their proper names. And today, Georgia is not going to provide any guarantees, but is conducting NATO exercises in its areas adjacent to South Ossetia and Abkhazia. But if we keep demanding for elaboration of a document guaranteeing security, not one would do it for us”, said Chochiev.
on the first day, there was a breakdown in the discussions; the Abkhaz Delegation refused to particiapate in them because the UN Secretary General’s Report on Abkhazia was not presented. In this regard, the South Ossetian and the Russian Delegation made tough statements and walked out. The discussions resumed the next day.
”The talk on the situation around South Ossetia was hard. None of the international organizations condemned Georgia’s acts, on the contrary, encouraged them. We condemned the NATO exercises, concentration of military presence around South Ossetia, 35 illegal Georgian checkpoints which were deployed through the last three months. We have lately passed on the list of these checkpoints, but so far, there was no reaction. We have strongly criticized the activities of the EU military monitors who by now are inactive and simply fulfill the orders which are suitable for Saakashvili regime”, said Chochiev. He stressed that the South Ossetian side had presented the priority steps to prepare the future Peace Accord.
“It includes several points: signing of a legally binding documents on peace and non-use of force, ban on Georgian aircrafts’ flights over South Ossetia, ban on heavy arms and ammunition supplies to Georgia, strict adherence to the agreements on prohibited presence of Georgian armed forces on the territory adjacent to South Ossetia, established control over the heavy arms available on the territory of Georgia, agreed regime of security zone adjacent to South Ossetian borders. The Russian side had also presented its plan, and now, active preparatory work is ongoing”, explained Chochiev.
As to the position of the United States, Chochiev pointed to the unprecedented pressure imposed on Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
“Mr. Bryza was extremely imprudent and I had to note on this. While he tried to comment on my statement, I told him that we did not engage him as Georgia’s defending lawyer and he as the representative of the United States, one of the authors of the “Clean Field”, should behave more discreetly. He went farther demanding from the Russian side an observation post to be set at the Roki tunnel. I wish he would not perceive us the way he perceives the Georgian delegation. Today, Saakashvili regime does nothing on its own. They do everything recommended by the U.S. The Roki tunnel is on the territory of South Ossetia and Russia will not decide for us. If the U.S. had any suggestions, they should address us. We are not Georgia, no one would settle these issues before we do it”, said Chochiev. The South Ossetian Delegation drew attention to the facts which caused a nervous reaction of the Georgian Delegation. For example, to the fact that those people who participated in killing of peaceful population in August 2008, were granted with state awards.
“We have brought the attending representatives that sooner or later it would be necessary to force Georgia to sign a document which would oblige Georgia no to use force against South Oasetia and Abkhazia. The U.S. Delegation, as apparently suggest by Georgia, started talking about the necessity to bring in South Ossetia international policing forcesе or international peacekeeping contingent. Grigori Karason’s response statement stressed that these issues should be discussed with respective authorities of the republics. We had also decline the discussion of these issues mentioning that they did not fall under the announced agenda for the talks”, he said.
During the consultations, issues related to the missing South Ossetian citizens were also discussed. The Georgian side continued disclaiming that they were abducted by Georgia’s special services, though the available facts prove it. Gas and power supply for Leningor District was also under discussion. “We are talking about closing the borders. Anyway, we should close the border some day, and those who are willing to return to Leningori District should do it now”, he noted.
As to the importance of the discussions, Boris Chochiev stressed that “we need these contacts”.
“We should convey information to international community. These discussions do no longer suit somebody’s interests and they try to isolate us, because we participate in the talks on an equal basis. We need this forum. So far, no one had invented a better format for the negotiations,” added Chochiev.