Process of the latest pattern passports issuing is still in progress

Thu, 20/10/2011 - 11:38

For today the passport and visa service of the RSO Interior Ministry has issued 2927 passports of the latest pattern. According to the information of the Minister for Internal Affairs of the RSO Valery Valiev at the parliament session, at present, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of South Ossetia has received five thousand passports of the latest pattern, and since May, 20 more than half of them have already been issued. «The process of issuing passports is under control of four state agencies – the KGB, the State Security, the Chamber of Accounts and -Control and the Ministry of Internal Affairs», - Valiev has noted. He has underlined, that a lot of persons are trying to get the South-Ossetian passport illegally. Valiev has also informed that the so-called forms №2 will be issued to the inhabitants of Leningorsky District that they could take part in voting on November, 13.

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