Taimuraz Kusov: the role of peacekeeping forces is crucial for people of South Ossetia

Sat, 14/07/2012 - 13:47

Flash-poll: July 14, South Ossetia will celebrate the 20th anniversary of entering the Joint Peacekeeping Forces into the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. What is the role of peacekeepers in protecting the population of South Ossetia?

Boris Chochiev, former co-chair of the Joint Control Commission on the South Ossetian side:
The format of the peacekeeping operation, which was being conducted in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict from 1992 to 2008, is unique in the world. For the first time in the history of peacekeeping operations, it involved not only the Russian Federation as the chief mediator and guarantor of peace, but also the peacekeepers, representing the parties, involved in the conflict. During the period from the date of the peacekeepers entry until the ultra radical nationalist and fascist Saakashvili came to power in Georgia in 2004, no one peacekeeper was killed.

All the international delegations from various countries and organizations that came to South Ossetia were of a highest opinion of the peacekeepers activities. The Joint Control Commission, to which had been assigned the peacekeeping forces, of course, played a great role in that process.
Thanks to the peacekeeping forces, peace, though fragile, reigned in the long-suffering land of South Ossetia. People were able to engage safely in peaceful business without being worried about future. Unfortunately, the new rulers of Georgia were not satisfied with that situation and began a policy of provocations against the peacekeeping forces, demanding their withdrawal; then they unleashed a new war.
Nevertheless, the feat of peacekeepers has remained in the grateful memory of the Ossetian people. Each year, on July 14 we celebrate the Day of Peacemaker. There is a Peacekeepers Street in Tskhinval and a project on establishing the peacekeepers stele is in progress.

Taimuraz Kusov, former co-chair of the JCC on the North Ossetian side:
The role of peacekeeping forces, in fact, is crucial for South Ossetia. The decision on bringing the peacekeeping forces was not easy to make, because of a lot of obstacles. It was the important responsible decision both on the part of Russia and on the part of Georgia, who perceived the necessity of bringing the peacekeeping forces. Many decisions, mechanisms were developed on the run, so there had not been such mechanisms before. Everything was done, taking into account the current situation, in order to ensure peace. And they succeeded. If we analyze the activities of the peacekeeping forces, it is obvious that before coming to power in Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili, this unique mechanism was working. There were no shooting, victims during this period. Peacekeeping forces have fulfilled their role; one should study and study their experience. Peacekeeping forces inspired confidence in the local population, people were feeling safe. However, after a period of so successful mission of the peacekeeping forces the position of Georgia changed inexplicably; it started to pursue a policy of dismantling the system. The results are well-known.

Inal Pliev, former chief information officer of the South Ossetian side of JCC (2003-2008):

The role of the peacekeeping forces cannot be overstated. They had to operate in difficult conditions. Additional difficulties were created by the fact that Georgia, although it was the country - signatory of the Sochi-1992 agreement, in fact, committed all sorts of provocations against the peace-keeping forces. At the beginning the Georgian battalion of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces was dropped out of the command of the Joint Staff of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces and was reassigned to the Ministry of Defence of Georgia in violation of the statute of the military contingents. The functionaries among the leadership of the Georgian battalion of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, who were against unleashing of war, were also systematically "purged". Rotation of the Georgian battalion took place almost every month: the Georgian leadership, that had pursued a course of war, intended to involve as many as possible Georgian soldiers in the future theater of war, who later found ignominious death in our land. The upshot was that August 8, 2008 the Georgian "peacekeepers", tearing away the stripes of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces, opened fire on the Russian and Ossetian battalions of the JPF.
However, the real peacemakers - the Ossetian and Russian peacekeepers battalions - did not react to provocations, strictly observing all previously signed agreements, even at the cost of their lives, until the last minute, while it was sensible to follow them. We cannot forget the heroism of peacekeepers.

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