In November, 35 violators of legislation in the border sphere were detained in various sections of the state border of South Ossetia, the press service of the Republic's State Security Committee reported on Tuesday.
"Of these: 31 - violators of the state border regime, 4 – the border regime. The border service of the State Security Committee of the Republic of South Ossetia conducted proceedings for each violation of legal regimes.
As a result of the procedural activity, administrative measures were applied against violators of the existing administrative and legal regimes at the state border with explanatory work. As a result: 24 people were fined, 7 - expelled from the Republic of South Ossetia without penalties under Art. 14 of the Law "On the State Border of the Republic of South Ossetia", 2 people were warned, 1 person was subjected to administrative expulsion by a court decision, administrative proceedings were terminated against 1 offender, "the KGB said.
The KGB Border Service has reminded citizens and guests of the Republic planning their trips to places of rest, as well as to wedding and memorial events in settlements located in the border zone of the Republic of South Ossetia, about the need to have identity documents (passport, official ID, certificate of birth for minors, and for foreign citizens - including passes to the border zone).