By recognizing South Ossetia in 2008, Russia signaled its return to the world stage as a great power - Mikhail Chernov

Thu, 22/08/2024 - 22:32

(Название отсутствует)

By recognizing South Ossetia in 2008, Russia signaled its return to the world stage as a great power - Mikhail Chernov

South Ossetia is developing thanks to the development of comprehensive relations with Russia and close joint work, the political scientist Mikhail Chernov noted in a commentary to IA “Res” on the eve of the 16th anniversary of the recognition of the Republic of the Russian Federation.

“The Russian Federation recognized the independence of South Ossetia on August 26, 2008, this day was one of the best in my life,” he said. “In the maelstrom of current events on a global scale, we all need to remember that it was from this practical step in Transcaucasia in small South Ossetia that the greater Russia entered a new era and marked its return to the world stage as a great power,” Chernov said.

He has added that in South Ossetia itself, over the years of independence of the Republic, a new generation has grown up, acquired families and children, for whom their own state in alliance with Russia - from childhood - is the only familiar reality. According to him, this generation, , is fighting today in the special military operation zone.

“Over the years since recognition, Tskhinval has turned into a wonderful, clean, beautiful, well-groomed city, excellent roads have appeared in the Republic, and the regions are fully developing,” Chernov has emphasized. “All this has become possible thanks to the development of comprehensive relations with Russia and the close joint work.”

The political scientist believes that the broadest interaction between the two countries will be only strengthening.

“I sincerely congratulate all citizens of South Ossetia and my friends on the upcoming holiday - August 26,” Chernov has concluded.

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