Archive - 5/2013


Sat, 25/05/2013 - 13:42

Leonid Tibilov met with the participants of the International Congress "Ethnogenesis and Ethnic History of the Ossetians"

The participants of the International Congress "Ethnogenesis and Ethnic History of the Ossetians," held in Vladikavkaz on the initiative of the international social movement "The Supreme Council of the Ossetians," have arrived in South Ossetia. At the entrance to the Republic the guests were met by members of the government of the Republic with the traditional three Ossetian cakes and beer. In Tskhinval the guests were received by the President of the Republic Leonid Tibilov, who welcomed the renowned scientists, studying the Alans history.


Thu, 23/05/2013 - 21:14

The process of the legal structuring of the Russian-South Ossetian relations is dynamic - President of the Media Center "IR"

Summits are important for the development of bilateral relations between Russia and South Ossetia, said IA "Res" the President of the Media Center "IR" Irina Gagloeva, commenting on the meeting between the presidents of Russia and South Ossetia Vladimir Putin and Leonid Tibilov May 21 in Sochi. She has noted that the process of legal structuring of the South Ossetian-Russian relations is dynamic and successive, "which implies a constructive and practical sector."

Thu, 23/05/2013 - 11:34

Meeting of the presidents of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation is an important political step for the development of the statehood of South Ossetia - MP

The summit has raised the status of South Ossetia as an independent and sovereign state, told reporters Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of South Ossetia Yuri Dzitstsoity, commenting on the results of the meeting of Leonid Tibilov and Vladimir Putin on May 21 in Sochi. The meeting of the presidents of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, according to him, is of course, a very important political step for the development of the statehood of South Ossetia.
"Russia has protected us from the Georgian aggressor and the first has recognized our independence.


Wed, 22/05/2013 - 12:38

Press release on the meeting of President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov with President of Russia Vladimir Putin

May 21, 2013 in Sochi, was held a working meeting of President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. During the meeting it was noted that the meeting was the third over the past 12 months, which was a testament to the special quality of the Russian-South Ossetian relations.

Wed, 22/05/2013 - 11:39

In Vladikavkaz experts and the public of South and North Ossetia will discuss "The Russian-Georgian relations at the present stage"

"The Russian-Georgian relations at the present stage "will be discussed at the round table in Vladikavkaz on Thursday, May 23.
The event, organized by the Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, will be held in the North Ossetian Institute of Social and Human Studies.
The purpose of the event is a scientific and practical understanding of the current state of the Russian-Georgian relations, challenges and prospects for their development in the context of the North Caucasus policy of Georgia and the concept of "restoration of territorial integrity," as the "cement foundation" for the Georgian state.
The roundtable is held within the framework of a series of the events, the general theme of which is "Ossetia: the religious, political situation and the external factor."


Tue, 21/05/2013 - 11:17

The Zar tragedy: the timeless pain

May 20, 1992. Along the Zar road, the road of life, as we called it then, a truck with more than 50 people, mostly children, women and old men, who were fleeing from the besieged Tskhinval, was heading for Dzau district.


Mon, 20/05/2013 - 17:33

A minute of silence in memory of those killed by the Georgian aggressors will be observed at the Embassy of Russia in South Ossetia

May 20, in South Ossetia are being held the mourning ceremonies in memory of the victims of the Zar tragedy in 1992, when the civilian refugees from Tskhinval, fleeing from the war zone through the bypass high-mountain road, were killed by the Georgian fascists. The armed group attacked a motorcade that was going to North Ossetia, on the road near the village of Zar and shot them by heavy fire. As a result of this terrible violence were killed 33 people - mostly women, children and old people. Dozens of people were injured.
