

Tue, 07/10/2008 - 19:08

Valery Kaurov: «Your fight for freedom and liberty has overwhelmed the whole world»

On 5th of October a Ukrainian delegation led by chairman Valery Kaurov from all-Ukrainian social consolidation «United fatherland» has visited the capital of South Ossetia - Tskhinval. The delegation has a safety stock in its aim «All children are common» and invited children to take a rest in Odessa. During a month children will be attended by there parents taking rest at sanatorium «Victoria». The main staff of delegation has arrived from Odessa. Eleonora Bedoeva (the Government vice - chairman) and the deputy of health care ministry Madina Chehoeva have received the delegation.


Mon, 29/09/2008 - 17:23

Meeting with President

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity met with RSO Parliament deputies. At the meeting was discussed the forming of new Government. The President stressed that this is a key question. «New Government should implement important State and rehabilitation works. Of course, we have delayed solving of this issue because of some objective reasons, but the problem should be solved»-said Eduard Kokoity. He also informed that German railway company Deutsche Bahn AG allocated 100 thousand euros for South Ossetia.

Mon, 29/09/2008 - 17:20

«South Ossetia accuses» Georgia in Strasbourg and Moscow

South Ossetia is demanding recognition of genocide of ossetian people. The activists of National forum «Ossetia accuses!» will turn to the international community with such call today in Moscow and Strasbourg.
As the National forum activist Olesya Kadjaeva informed IA «Res» correspondent the action will be participate by the activists of youth movement «New people» and International Youth Assembly «For democracy and peoples wrights». «In Moscow the action will be conducted at the Swedish embassy. Later on such actions will take place in European countries and USA»-said Olesya Kadjaeva.


Wed, 10/09/2008 - 14:50

Die Unabhängigkeit der Republik Südossetiens – die Garantie der Sicherheit und der sicheren Zukunft des ossetischen Volkes

Dieser, nach der neuesten Nummerierung sechste, aber der absoluten Zählweise nach siebzehnte Kongress des ossetischen Volkes versammelte sich zum ersten Mal in Zchinwal. Zum seltsamen Zusammentreffen der Umstände – hat er sich am Vortag des siebzehnjährigen Bestehens der Republik Südossetien versammelt. Möge niemand diese Jubelzahl täuschen. Ein Jubiläum ist es trotzdem – in diesem Jahr wurde der erste Volkskongress neunzig Jahre. Ossetien hat neunzig Jahre lang durch bürgerliche Institute die Lücken der staatlichen Einheit geschlossen. Das Volk wählt neunzig Jahre die unteilbare öffentliche Vertretung, die Zeitweiligkeit aller Versuche der politischen Teilung anschaulich demonstrierend.

Wed, 10/09/2008 - 14:36

Independence of the Republic of South Ossetia – a guarantee of safety and reliable future of the Ossetian people

Speech of Doctor of historical sciences, Professor Ruslan Bzarov at the VI congress of the Ossetian people

The congress of today – the sixth one, according to modern numbering, and under an absolute count – the seventeenth congress of the Ossetian people, has gathered for the first time in Tskhinval. By a strange concurrence of circumstances – it gathered the day before the seventeenth anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia. Let this teenager number deceive nobody. All the same we’re having an anniversary this year – ninety years have passed since the first national congress had been held. Ninety years long Ossetia’s civil institutions have been struggling with the lack of state unity. For ninety years people have been electing indivisible public representation, thus pointing at the irregularity and temporariness of all attempts of political division.

Wed, 10/09/2008 - 13:32

Tskhinval prepares itself for winter

As a result of Georgian aggression in the capital of the Republic of South Ossetia Tskhinval was damaged 80 per cent of living fund. This was informed to IA «Res» at Tskhinval Mayor’s office. «During the assessment of South Ossetian capital were found 593 damaged private houses and grounds. As a result of bombardment 1380 flats became unfit for human habitation. 6223 persons were left without a roof over their heads. The task is to complete the bulk of rehabilitation works in the living sector before winter».


Tue, 09/09/2008 - 16:02

All compensation payments will be made at RSO territory

Compensation payments to the Republic of South Ossetia citizens who lost its property in the result of Georgian aggression will be paid at RSO territory. This was informed to IA «Res» at RF MES in RSO operative group press service. Here noted that the financial aid consisting of 50 thousand rubles per family and the one-time assistance at the rate of 1 thousand rubles will be paid to every person of South Ossetia who has Russian citizenship.

Tue, 09/09/2008 - 16:01

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations goes on assisting South Ossetia peaceful life rehabilitation

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations goes on rehabilitating of objects damaged during the Georgian aggression against the Republic of South Ossetia and providing the population with humanitarian aid. As IA «Res» correspondent was informed at Russian MES joint group in South Ossetia press service during the last day within the framework of RF MES have been delivered 221 tons of humanitarian loads including 137,5 tons of building materials.

Tue, 09/09/2008 - 15:59

Detained Polish journalists to be passed to Polish ambassador at OSCE

Polish journalists detained in the vicinity of Ossetian village Artsevi by the law enforcement organs of the Republic of South Ossetia on September 8 will be passed to Polish ambassador at OSCE. As RSO Ombudsman David Sanakoev informed IA «Res» correspondent the journalists will be passed to Russian peacekeepers that will accompany them to Georgian village of Karaleti and pass them to Polish ambassador.


Sat, 23/08/2008 - 17:08

Federal Agency of special building rehabilitates the Republic

«Special building» of Russia has launched the rehabilitation of buildings at the territory of South Ossetia. More than 30 objects will be rehabilitated at the territory of the Republic including 15 schools (6 in the town and 9 around the republic). Besides that the buildings of Government, KGB, MIA, departments of three regions, State University, post office, bank, «Alan» hotel, fire brigade, library and special squad of militia will be rehabilitated.
