
The next meeting within the frames of MPRI has taken place on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia

29/07/2011 - 13:01

Today the next meeting within the frames of mechanisms on prevention and reaction to incidents (МPRI) has taken place in the Georgian village Dvani on the border of South Ossetia. As the head of the delegation, the Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement Merab Chigoev has informed the news agency "Res", the new head of the European Union Mission of observers in Georgia Andrzej Tyshkevich (Poland) who has replaced the former head of the Mission Hans-Jorg Khaber, was presented at the meeting. «Tyshkevich is a regular officer of the Polish army, he has gained wide experience of working in hot zones; taking part in the conflicts resolution. He speaks Russian rather well – he has graduated two higher military educational institutions in Moscow», - Chigoev has characterized the new head of the Mission. The Deputy Plenipotentiary has noticed that participants of the meeting, first of all, discussed incidents which had occurred on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia after the last meeting.

The Embassy of the Republic of South Ossetia in the Republic of Nicaragua has been established

27/07/2011 - 19:11

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has signed the decree about the RSO embassy establishment in the Republic of Nicaragua with residence in Tskhinval. The news agency "Res" has been informed about it at the press-service of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic. «In connection with the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of Nicaragua, and also the necessity of maintenance and development of constant relations with the Republic of Nicaragua, by the decree of the President of the RSO E. Kokoity on July, 26, 2011 the RSO Embassy in the Republic of Nicaragua with the residence in Tskhinval has been founded», - has been told at the press-service.

A meeting in a format of МPRI will take place on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia

27/07/2011 - 19:10

On July, 28 the next meeting of the working groups in a format of Mechanisms on prevention and reaction to incidents (МPRI) will take place at the frontier village Dvani (Georgia). As the news agency "Res" has been informed at the office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia on postconflict settlement, representatives of South Ossetia, Russia and Georgia will take part in the meeting, with the assistance of the EU observers and the co-chairman of the Geneva discussions from OSCE. The new head of the European Union Mission of Observers in Georgia Andrzej Tyshkevich will also take part in the meeting «During the meeting it is planned to discuss incidents on the Georgian-Ossetian border which have taken place after the last working meeting within the frames of MPRI (on June, 17, 2011), - has been informed at the department. - Besides, the South-Ossetian party will raise a question on clearing up the destiny of Gennady Bestaev who is serving his sentence in Georgia». As they have explained to the news agency "Res", Bestaev lived in the village Zardiantkari (Georgia). Some years ago he was convicted of his mother’s murder.

In Tskhinval the factory on manufacture of building materials will be founded

27/07/2011 - 16:53

Soon there will be a factory on manufacturing building products and materials in South Ossetia. It has been reported to the news agency "Res" by the Deputy Minister of economic development of the RSO Alexander Makaev. «The project will be realized within the limits of the investment program of assisting to socio-economic development of the RSO for 2011, - Makaev has noted. - The enterprise will manufacture paving tile, stone blocks, curbstones, bricks, blocks etc. Local source of raw materials will be used in manufacturing of the products».

A large family in Tskhinval has become the owner of a new house

27/07/2011 - 16:47

The President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has handed over the new cottage keys in micro district "Moscow" in the northern suburb of the capital of the Republic to a large family. The owner of the new two-storeyed house has become a family of Dmitry Margiev.

В Ленингорском районе Южной Осетии началась уборка урожая зерновых

26/07/2011 - 09:45

В крестьянско-фермерских хозяйствах Ленингорского района Южной Осетии приступили к уборочным работам. Как сообщил ИА «Рес» глава администрации района Алан Джуссоев, в сборе урожая зерновых фермерам помогает РГУП «Ирагросервис».

Eduard Kokoity has presented his condolences to the Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg

26/07/2011 - 09:40

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has sent a telegramme with condolences to the Prime Minister of Norway Jens Stoltenberg in connection with tragical events in Oslo and on the island Utoja. In the telegramme, in particular, is said: «I am deeply shaken by barbarous crimes in Oslo and on the island Utoja, which have led to numerous innocent victims.

KGB of South Ossetia has filed criminal charges against citizens of Georgia

26/07/2011 - 09:39

The investigatory subdivision of the KGB RSO has brought an action against two citizens of Georgia, arrested while making an attempt of violating the state border of South Ossetia according to item 2, article 322 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation (illegal crossing of frontier). It has been reported to the News agency "Res" by the KGB RSO press-service. «Now citizens of Georgia are placed in the detention centre, investigatory actions are being carried out with them», - has been noted at the press-service.

Inal Pliev: Lukashenko should return to a camp of friends

22/07/2011 - 10:59

The next revelation of WikiLeaks has occasioned us much thought. It has been declared by the South-Ossetian expert Inal Pliev, making comments on the confidential dispatch which appeared on the Wiki Leaks site of the USA embassy in Tbilisi on September, 25, 2009. Its author, the Charge d'Affaires in the USA Kent Logsdon, has reported on their government about the meeting of Michail Saakashvili with the Deputy Assistant of the US State Secretary over Europe and Eurasia Tina Kaidanov. “It `s obvious, - Pliev considers, - that the USA leadership is not firm in supporting any actions of the Georgian leader.

The announcement of the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of South Ossetia about the visit of delegation of the Russian Federation Foreign Ministry

21/07/2011 - 10:37

The delegation of the Russian Federation Foreign Ministry was in the Republic of South Ossetia with working visit from 18 to 19 July. The delegation has included the Deputy Director of the fourth Department of the CIS Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation A.A.Dvinjanin and the Counsellor of the Russian Federation Minister for Foreign Affairs M.M.Kulakhmetov.
