The Agreement with Russia on the settlement of issues of dual citizenship was discussed in the Parliament of South Ossetia

Fri, 26/11/2021 - 12:55

A meeting of the Committee on Foreign Policy and Interparliamentary Relations, chaired by the head of the relevant committee, Zaza Driaev, was held in the Parliament of South Ossetia on Thursday, the press service of the legislative body reported.

According to Driaev, in accordance with article 15 of the RSO law "On international treaties of the Republic of South Ossetia," President of the Republic submitted to the Parliament for ratification the Agreement between the RSO and the Russian Federation on the settlement of dual citizenship issues, signed on September 20, 2021 in Tskhinval.

The head of the legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSO Konstantin Minasov has noted that the Agreement between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation on the settlement of the issues of dual citizenship implements the provisions of Article 8 of the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the RSO and the Russian Federation and the provisions of Article 6 of the Treaty between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation. Federation of Alliance and Integration.

“The purpose of the Agreement is to resolve the issues related to dual citizenship for citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, as well as the admission of citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner. In accordance with the Agreement, a citizen of the Republic of South Ossetia is recognized as having the right to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation without losing South Ossetian citizenship, and vice versa. The Russian Federation provides to persons who, as of August 26, 2008, were citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia and who did not lose it on the day of application, who have reached the age of 18 and have legal capacity, the right to apply for the Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. The conditions for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation, the list of documents to be submitted and the procedure for considering these applications are established by President of the Russian Federation, "Minasov noted.

According to him, the Agreement determines that persons who are citizens of both Parties enjoy the rights to social security, education, medical care in accordance with the legislation of the Party in whose territory they permanently reside.

“Persons who are citizens of both Parties do military service in the Party where they permanently reside at the time of conscription. Persons who are citizens of both Parties and have completed compulsory military service in one of them are exempt from conscription for military service in the other Party. The document, in fact, is another important step in the implementation of the Russian-South Ossetian Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the RSO and the Russian Federation and the Agreement between the RSO and the Russian Federation on Alliance and Integration and will contribute to the settlement of the issues related to dual citizenship for citizens of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation, as well as the admission of citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner, ”concluded the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia.

This issue was submitted for discussion by the Presidium of the RSO Parliament by unanimous decision of the Committee members.

Deputies Malkhaz Gagloev, Alan Gagloev, Atsamaz Bibilov, Zita Besaeva and Ivan Slanov took part in the meeting.

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