A good opportunity to promote your products: Goginov on South Ossetia’s participation in Prodexpo 2024

Fri, 09/02/2024 - 08:59

South Ossetian products at the International Food and Beverage Exhibition Prodexpo are becoming more and more in demand and recognizable, South Ossetia’s trade representative in Russia, Taimuraz Goginov, noted in a comment to IA “Res ”.
According to him, participation in the Prodexpo-2024 exhibition gives the Republic a good opportunity to promote its products.
“This is a large-scale exhibition where friendly, reliable trade and other relations are established,” Goginov said. “South Ossetia’s position in it is becoming more maneuverable, the products of our Republic are becoming more competitive, and the number of export positions is increasing.”

Goginov also focused on the interest in the conditions for doing business in South Ossetia, pointing to an attractive tax policy and a favorable climate for implementing projects.

“We are glad to see how our Republic is becoming more and more recognizable, and entrepreneurs are striving to establish direct contacts with our manufacturers,” he has emphasized.

Goginov expressed gratitude to the South Ossetian Embassy in Russia, headed by Znaur Gassiev, for their support, especially noting the contribution of the diplomatic community to the success of the national exposition.

“Thanks to their efforts, our products have earned attention not only in the post-Soviet space, but also far beyond its borders,” he said, emphasizing the exhibition’s role in adapting to modern geopolitical and business realities.

Goginov also noted the high business activity at the exhibition and the large influx of visitors.

“Geopolitical changes in the world and international business make such events held in Russia much more in demand; they allow businessmen to navigate modern conditions and establish friendly, reliable trade relations,” Goginov has noted.

The Forum presents the products of the largest South Ossetian enterprises, the Ironsan winery and the High Mountain Kel Brewery - wines, cognacs, beer, mineral water, as well as products from other domestic producers of wine, water, tea and honey.

The exhibition is taking place from February 5 to 9 and is one of the most significant events in the food industry.
This is the sixth time South Ossetia has presented its products at the Prodexpo.

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