Archive - 22/3/2015


Sun, 22/03/2015 - 13:37

The Treaty of alliance and the integration meets the interests of South Ossetia and Russia - President of South Ossetia

The Treaty of alliance and integration between South Ossetia and Russia reflects all the opinions and suggestions received during the work on the document by the Political Council under the President of the Republic and the Russian-Ossetian working group,said today at a press conference in Tskhinval the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov.

"I would like to thank certain citizens, public and political associations, all our people for active participation in drafting the Treaty and supporting of the idea of its signing," - said the head of state.

Leonid Tibilov has noted that the draft Treaty, practically unchanged, was approved by the executive bodies of the two countries and was signed on March 18 in Moscow.

"The agreement meets the interests of South Ossetia and Russia," - said the president.

Referring the theme of accession of South Ossetia to Russia, the President has noted that this issue is not yet on the agenda in the relations between the two countries, but did not eliminate such a possibility in the future.

"It is very symbolic that the meeting, in the course of which the presidents of South Ossetia and Russia signed the Treaty of alliance and integration was held March 18 - the day when a year ago was signed a treaty of accession of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia. Maybe for South Ossetia will come the day, "- said the president.

The idea of accession of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation is close to all the Ossetian people and some politicians and political parties should not use it to extract political dividends.

"For the time being we will be working within the framework of the existing agreements", - said Leonid Tibilov.

He has also stressed that foreign policy is the prerogative of the President and one should not invade this area.

"If anyone has any opinion or suggestions, I will, certainly, listen to both young people and the older generation," - said the head of state.