

Sat, 04/04/2009 - 00:05

A meeting with Geneva Co-Chairmen was held in Tskhinval

A meeting of Geneva talks Co-Chairmen with Post-Conflict Settlement Special Representative was held in Tskhinval. At the meeting, the South Ossetian side was presented with Foreign Minister Murat Djioev, HR Commissioner David Sanakoev, State Advisor Kosta Kochiev, Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Pliev, and Assistant to Post-Conflict Settlement Special Representative Merab Chigoev. The international delegation was headed by the EU Special Representative (SR) Pierre Morel. OSCE and UN representatives were also part to the delegation.
"It turned out that we usually meet close to next round of Geneva talks. Today, it is a working meeting and the visit program includes a trip to Leningori district", he said.
Chochiev had pointed to a number of shortcomings in the work of international organizations and stressed that "the Geneva talks took on a populist character, since the achieved agreements are recalled only right before the next round of the talks or close to your visit".

Sat, 04/04/2009 - 00:02

Boris Chochiev: “The Geneva Talks Co-Chairmen are taking a pro-Georgian stand"

"The Co-Chairmen in Geneva Talks on Security in the Caucasus representing EU, OSCE and UN are taking a pro-Georgian position", stated the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev after the meeting with the Geneva Co-Chairmen.
"The Co-Chairmen are non-objective, biased and I would say, pro-Georgian. We do not see any real evaluation of the situation. They do everything to conceal the negative tendencies obvious with Georgia. With doing so, they never express their own viewpoints. In particular, the EUMM observers located in the areas adjacent to South Ossetia are pursuing their goal to conceal all facts of outrage in their area of responsibility. They do not notice 35 illegal checkpoints deployed by the Georgian side, as well as daily provocations taking place there", said Chochiev.


Tue, 31/03/2009 - 18:56

The rehabilitation of private housing in South Ossetia will start in April

At the session of Interagency Commission on Rehabilitation of South Ossetia in Moscow, The meeting focused on the priority sites for rehabilitation in South Ossetia. As reported by RSO Minister for house and road construction Alan Koliev, who participated in the IAC meeting, the scope and priority tasks were identified at the meeting.


Thu, 26/03/2009 - 11:19

RSO MFA had appreciated the interim conclusions made by the EU fact-finding mission

The Independent International Fact-finding mission on South Ossetian-Georgian conflict had published the first conclusions naming the Georgian President Saakashvili as the initiator of the hostilities. According to several media sources, the conclusion was made on the grounds of secret order by the Georgian leader about the start of operation “on restoring constitutional order” in South Ossetia.

Thu, 26/03/2009 - 11:17

Ossetian villages came under fire from the Georgian territory

The territory of the Republic of South Ossetia came under fire at night on 23 March from the Georgian side. As RSO State Security Committee reported to IA RES, “At 1:25 am, 24 March, a single grenade launcher shot was made at the Ossetian village of Mugut from the borderline Georgian village of Dvani. Fortunately, there were no casualties or destruction. The grenade exploded in the air.”

Thu, 26/03/2009 - 11:16

Nugzar Gabaraev: Rural areas of South Ossetia are regularly provided with medicines

Rural areas are regularly provided with medicines. Deputy Government Chairman, Health and Social Development Minister Nugzar Gabarev reported this to IA RES. ”First aid posts in rural areas are provided with medicines in strict accordance with requests received from District Chief Doctors. The requests are fulfilled in two days. There was no case when we refused to provide assistance”, said Gabaraev.

Thu, 26/03/2009 - 11:15

Tskhinval remains practically without natural gas

Supply of natural gas to capital city of South Ossetia Tskhinval is practically cut off, said Director General of “Energetica” company Alan Gabaraev. According to him, the amount of gas suuplied from Georgia is enough for 20 % of Tskhinval.

Thu, 26/03/2009 - 11:14

RSO MFA calls on international community to pay attention to frequent provocations

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia pointed to inefficient implementation of functions by international observers who are responsible to ensure security of South Ossetia from Georgia in accordance with Medvedev-Sarkozy plan. “The goal of these provocations is clear. They are meant to aggravate the situation and instigate our side’s response fire.


Tue, 24/03/2009 - 13:44

Separate categories of RSO population will be provided with target assistance

The state will provide target assistance to certain categories of citizens, reported the Administration of RSO President. It was stressed that Deputy Chairman of Government, Health Minister Nugzar Gabaraev was tasked to present as soon as possible for Government Presidium"s approval a list of beneficiaries, who need direct, targeted assistance.
