

Tue, 24/03/2009 - 13:43

Sverdlovsk oblast will start construction of fire protection depot in Tskhinval

Trucks with humanitarian assistance arrived in Tskhinval from Yekaterinburg. This was reported by RSO EMERCOM Minister Anatoly Bibilov. According to him, "special machinery and vehicles started from Yekaterinburg on 16 March. The donated equipment includes netting, excavator, two trucks, two trailers and a mini-van, as well as construction materials. The equipment will be used for construction of fire protection depot – for this purpose Sverdlovsk oblast had allocated 66 mil RUR.

Tue, 24/03/2009 - 13:42

Eduard Kokoity: "There is no war threat and thus, there is no need for evacuation"

Today, there is no threat of resumption of hostilities between South Ossetia and Georgia, said RSO President Eduard Kokoity during the meeting with ministers and heads of departments. "For quite a long time, rumors were spread that a war would start and the authorities did nothing to evacuate the population", said Eduard kokoity. "This is done to hamper the reconstruction processes in South Ossetia, to blow up the situation and hold the population under a constant fear.

Tue, 24/03/2009 - 13:40

Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with ministers and heads of departments

President of the RSO Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with ministers and heads of departments. The meeting started with law enforcement bodies" report.
Interior Minister Valeri Valiev reported on the criminal situation through 16-23 March. According to the Minister, on 20 March a constructor has been hit by in a car accident in "Moskovski" district of the city. The constructor was badly injured and later died.

Tue, 24/03/2009 - 13:12

Boris Chochiev: "If Bakradze wanted a dialogue to happen, he had a perfect opportunity to have it within the frames of the JCC"

Georgia needs the territory of South Ossetia for locating US military bases, which would be targeted directly against Russia – the Georgian authorities are not interested in the fate of the Ossetian people, sated Boris Chochiev, the Post-Conflict Settlement Plenipotentiary, commenting on the statement made by Georgian Parliament Speaker David Bakradze that official Tbilisi is ready for direct dialogue with the authorities of South Ossetia.


Fri, 20/03/2009 - 19:03

Murat Djioev: "Tension is to the advantage of political circles in Georgia"

The situation around South Ossetia remains tense. The authorities of Georgia increase their military presence in the areas adjacent to South Ossetia. This causes serious concerns about the role of international monitors responsible for security in the region. IA RES addressed the RSO Foreign Minister Murat Djioev for comments. "It is true that there was a number of provocations committed by the Georgian side to aggravate the situation.

Fri, 20/03/2009 - 19:02

Eduard Kokoity met with entrepreneurs of South Ossetia

The RSO President Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with entrepreneurs of SO. The meeting focused on the existing situation in small and medium-size (SME) business and the problems, which businessmen have to cope with. The entrepreneurs were interested in issue of reimbursement of damage caused by the Georgian aggression and preferential crediting. We will fight for certain quota for business development and we are ready to cooperate with those who are officially registered as entrepreneurs and had regularly paid taxes to the budget of RSO.

Fri, 20/03/2009 - 19:01

Givi Tedeev: "Our Commission cannot physically cover all vulnerables with humanitarian aid"

A press-conference organized by RES agency was held in Tskhinval. Deputy Health and Social Development Minister, Chairman of Humanitarian Commission Givi Tedeev responded to journalists" questions.
"Our work has practically started on 17 December 2008. Upon the President"s decree, I was appointed as Chairman of Humanitarian Commission. Therefore, I cannot speak about the work done before December", warned Tedeev while opening the press-conference. He expressed his regret that "the population is still not informed about the work of the Humanitarian Commission".

Fri, 20/03/2009 - 18:57

Parliament Sitting

18th sitting of the forth session of RSO Parliament was held in Tskhinval. The sitting was presided by Deputy Speaker Yuri Dzitsoiti. The sitting was also attended by Head of President’s Administration Alexander Bolshakov and Head of State and Legal Governance Department Taimuraz Gabpaev.

Fri, 20/03/2009 - 18:56

Eredvi Tragedy. 18 years later: “We remember it, for it is impossible to forget it…”

The Republic of South Ossetia is commemorating the victims of Eredvi tragedy. On 18 March 1991, in the vicinity of Eferdvi village, Georgian Georgian militants set down 25 Ossetians from a “URAL” truck belonging to Internal troops of Interior Ministry of USSR. Women and children were severely beaten but released. Brutally beaten 12 men were taken from one Georgian gangs’ “quarters” to another for tortures.
